day three

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day three - mmxii


I hope you're not worried about me. I finally asked if I could send my other letters to you and they let me. I hope you get them soon. I hope everything is going okay, I hope school is fine, I hope you life is perfect right now. Because you deserve it. You're one of the best people I know. I don't mean to get all sappy on you, but hey, when you're in a mental hospital you realize things. Even if I have only been here for three days.
- Vicky
P.S. I love you (alot.)

I woke up on the third day at the mental institution wanting to sing. I had an urge to belt out any song. I realized it was 7:15 in the morning, but it wasn't like everyone else wasn't awake. I walked around the half-empty room; Steph was in the bathroom getting dressed. My Chucks tapped against the wooden floors, I was pacing again. I wanted to sing - I wasn't a singer, but I missed music. I hadn't been able to listen to anything for two days; it didn't seem like much, but to me it was. Music was everything to me.

I slowly thought of a song I could just belt out - something good. My mind thought of many but one stuck in my mind.

"Hey ho, let's go!" I sang, starting out quiet but then getting louder. "Hey, ho, let's go!" I danced a little, getting more and more into it.

"We're forming in a straight line!" I practically shouted, my Converse tapping around the hardwood floor.

"Vicky!" Steph screeched, coming to a halt at the bathroom door. "You can't!" she put a finger to her mouth, shushing me. As much as I could tell she didn't want me to sing, I knew in my mind she wanted to join me.

And then came the knock on the door. It was more of a pounding, actually, and then a bursting-in. It was one of the hall monitors, that you see roaming the place. To be honest, they frightened me a little since they seemed like they had powerful voices that could easily scare people like me if getting yelled at.

"Who was just singing?" the man said, looking from Stephanie to me.

"Uh, me," I said, shuffling my feet back and forth awkwardly.

"Oh," the man said, sounding less agrivated. I thought it was because I was a newcomer - maybe he would let me off easy. "Since you're new, you're off the hook. Just don't do it again."

"Yessir." I saluted him, making Steph laugh as he walked out, slamming the door behind him as he did.

"You're lucky, Vick, last time I did that I was sent to two hour punishment." Steph smirked in my direction as she threw me a sweater to throw on, so I was ready for group therapy.


Suprisingly, Calum had saved me a seat next to him at group. He greeted me warmly, giving me a wave. He wore a tank-top that faded in different colors - red, blue, white. I couldn't help but notice his chest - a tattoo on his upper left part of his chest, right below his shoulder. It took me awhile to figure out what it said but then it hit me; it read MMXII.

On the top of my mind, I couldn't remember what it standed for but I knew it was Roman numerals for a date. I secretly wondered what the date was and why it was so important to him - but we had just become friends and I didn't want to ask something super personal.

I sat down next to him, Steph on my left. Calum's ankle slowly hooked on to mine - it was almost if it was a ritual for us now. The night before, he did the same and when he left he intertwined our pinkies together. I'm not sure why we did stupid stuff like that; but it gave me a sense of comfort. I didn't know how long it would be until I was able to touch people again. Small gestures like the ones Calum and I shared meant something to me. I hope they meant something to him to, since he hadn't touched anyone in two months.


Since it was Monday, my classes offically started. I couldn't say I was happy about it, but I couldn't say I was mad, either. I was kind of inrigued for what mental hospital classes would have to bring.

Apparently; it wasn't anything too good.

It was basically assigned homework from our own schools, which overall stressed me out. That was the one thing I liked about this place - no school. Nothing to stress me out until I broke down and cried. But now it was back.

It actually wasn't half as bad as I expected - there was basically no supervision and all we really did was sit there and talk.

Calum and I were in the middle of a deep discussion about the people here, we were basically judging them. Not in a bad way, though; just funny.

"I'm pretty sure Maura and Jimmy have got it on more than once," Calum whispered in my ear, and I could hear the smirk forming on his lips.

With that, I choked on nothing, trying to hold in my laugh. "How even," I whispered back. It was impossible to even make contact with someone without getting in trouble - how did they make sexual contact?

"The bathroom," Calum's laugh echoed around the small classroom, creating a beautiful sound.

"That's digusting," I chuckled, shaking my head.

"I know, and-" he was cut off by a girl, who skipped into the room. She did not look like any other person I had seen here before. Her hair was a faded pink, yet it had a cool effect and I admitted to liking it. Other than that; nothing was normal about this girl. She wore a dress, a princess dress. She clutched a stuffed bunny tightly in her grasp. Placed on her head was nothing more than a yellow crown. She skipped right through the door, humming a song.

I looked to Calum with wide eyes, and back to the mystery girl. Who was she, and why had a never seen her before? And how old was she, or at least herl mental age?

"Who's that?" I turned to face Calum.

"That's Katherine, she's nuts," he said and I chuckled.

"Aren't we all? That's why we're here." I tilted my head to the side.

"Yeah, but she has to stay away from all of us. She thinks she's a princess, and wears the same thing everyday. She makes sure she gets her hair dyed when needed, she makes sure her dress is washed every night, and she makes sure that everything is done perfectly. She's our age yet acts like a total five year old."

I watched the girl grab all the work she needed from the teacher watching over the classroom, and her doctor holding her arm as she skipped back to where ever she went.

There was obviously some strange people in this place, and this was just the beginning.


The day was as followed - after morning classes; lunch, afternoon classes, group again, dinner, relaxation. Relaxation was my favorite time of the day, to be completely honest with you. It was an option of three things you could do - you could watch TV, which was a shitty option since everything they let us watch sucked. You could listen to the radio, my favorite option, even though the people who chose the channels picked the rap station, but at least it was some sort of music. And lastly, you could play cards. So that's what I did.

Calum and I were in the middle of an epic game of war - and I was winning.

I slammed my fist down on the table, excited as I had one the silly, childish card game.

"Damn," Calum said as he shook his head, giving me a smug smile.

"Haven't played that in four years," I said, helping reshuffle all of the cards.

"Well it seems you haven't lost your magic touch, then," Calum noted, smiling.

"Rematch?" he asked with an evil glare in his eye, almost as if saying "This time I'm gonna beat your ass at this, Vicky."

"Nah." I slumped back in the small plastic chair probably meant for ten year olds.

"Oh, come on," the boy pleaded. "I just want to beat you once."

I had to give in to the boy who was literally begging on his knees for me to rematch him in a silly card game.

"Okay, okay, but let me ask you a question first."

"Alright, what do you want to know, Vickers?" I giggled at his new-found nickname for me.

"I want to know about MMXII," I said simply, propping my head up with my hand.

Calum's mouth formed an 'o' and he looked down at his chest. He pulled his tanktop down a little so I could get a better view of the tattoo. It was indeed a pretty tattoo, but it would be even prettier if I knew the meaning behind it.

"I like it," I said quietly, nodding at him. "But what is MMXII?"

"Roman numerals for 2012." I was right, it was Roman numerals, but now I had an exact date. 2012.

"And why was 2012 so important to you?"

"It was the year I was happy,"



anyway - if you are confused

i didnt just randomly introduce a girl who wears princess outfits and carries around a stuffed bunny like she's part of the plotline ((she's on the side, played by aly antorcha))

and two

if the tattoo doesnt make sense to you it was the year Calum was happy. the reason he is in the hospital is because he is sad. kapish? kapish. (( is that even how you spell that idrc ))

btw meerkat helped me write this (( michaeltho )) thank you partner in crime i love you

thanks for all the support, ily all more than anything

dedicated to ahvicii! ily ayu x

- molly xx

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