day fifteen

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day fifteen - adventure

"Oh my God, oh my fucking God."

I groaned and cracked one eye open, putting a hand up to shade the little bit of light that came into the room.

"Steph?" I said. "Are you alright?"

"Oh, I'm just dandy, Vicky."

The sarcasm in her voice made me sit up, ignoring the fact that my whole body ached. I wiped the sleep out of my eye, moving my hand away to see what the problem was.

Steph stood up next to her bed, looking at something. She inched away from the bed slowly, letting whatever was bothering her come into view. My eyes widened, and I rubbed my eyes some more just in case I was seeing things.

"Is that a..?"

"Yes, Vicky, there's a fucking rabbit on my bed."

She was right. There was a rabbit on her bed. Sitting there like it belonged there. It's ears perked up since we were talking quite loud.

"How in the name of Jesus himself did a rabbit get on your bed," I deadpanned, rubbing my temple.

"Okay, so I woke up, alright? And I sat up, and boom - there was a bunny on my bed." Steph shook her head like this was too much to take in.

"Yeah, but how did a bunny get on your bed?"

"I have no idea, V, I never realized that there were bunnies running loose around the hospital before!" She sighed, running a hand through her hair.

I was about to reply when the door swung open and man strided into the room. I had never seen him before, but I had guessed he was a doctor or therapist. He looked at Steph and I with a concerned glance.

"Have either of you two seen a - er, bunny?" He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. Neither of us had to speak; Steph simply moved out of the way and let the man take his bunny. His face lightened when he saw the rabbit, and he quickly paced over to her bed. He gingerly picked up the animal, holding it in his arms. He gave us both silent thank you's and was about to leave when I spoke up.

"Who's bunny is that?" I asked.

"My patient's." He replied with a grim smile in my direction. I didn't have to ask who, though, because she appeared at the door. I should of known it was her bunny from the moment I saw in on Steph's bed.

"Oh, Snuffles!" Kat took the bunny out of the man's arms. "Don't you ever run away again, will you?" Then she giggled and looked up at us, grinning. "Bye Steph, Bye Vicky!" She cheered at us before the man put his hand on the small of her back and lead her out the door.

It wasn't long before Steph had something to say. "Let me get this straight. This girl is in the same building as I, under the same rules, yet she gets to have a pet bunny and I can't even keep my earrings in?"

I stayed silent, pondering over what to say. Wondering why Kat had special treatment. Why could she keep a pet and I, along with everyone else, couldn't? Or, maybe we could have a pet. Maybe no one ever though to ask.

"Well -" I started, before Steph but a hand up, cutting me off. "I know what you're going to say. But Steph, if you were allowed to keep your earrings in then you could potentially take them out and use the pokey part and stab you arm with it until you bleed to death!"

I shut my eyes, laughing. "Actually, no - not what I was going to say; but I mean, you could hurt yourself with earrings. A bunny is like, harmless though, don't you think?"

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