What He Doesn't Know- chp 6

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Chapter 6

The door of the office down the hall flew open and the sounds from the party came pouring out. Immediately the guy let go of me and began straigthening his own suit. I tried my best to do the same.

"Dana there you are."


He walked leisurely over to us and wrapped his arm around me once he was at my side. "I see you've already met Jason, my right wing man."

"Yeah you could say that." I mumbled.


"Huh? Oh nothing."

"We just ran into each other, quite a nice lady you got here Rich."

"Thanks, hey gear up for the wedding okay?" Richard said while giving him a playful punch. The two chuckled. I kept silent, hoping to be completely forgotten in the conversation. This was officially simply not my scene. At the end when I was finally allowed to leave I had to do everything humanely possible not to bolt out of the building; all the ladies hated me and all the guys keptlooking at me weird. Richard had begged me to stay for abit longer but not only did I not want to but I also had to pick up Kalie; I was determined not to get cussed out this time.

As I pulled onto the schoo'ls compound I saw Kalie run all the way from her classroom and over to me. She got there by the time I switched off the engine.

"Mommy, quick let's gte out of here!"

What did she do now . . . ? I gave her a puzzled glance.

"Mrs. McAllister hold on a minute!" Kalie's teacher called. I knew it. Glancing back down I gave her a suspicious glare which she returned with a smile instead. The teacher began huffing as she got closer, damn was she exerting that much energy just to get to me? I gave her a puzzled look as she stared, breathlessly at me for a few minutes. "Your monster needs to be home trained before you send her back here!" My eyes bulged slightly as I waited for her to explain. "She threw Devon on the floor and nearly bit off his ear, there was blood everywhere! Now I don't know what you do at your house or how you allow her to behave but believe me if this happens again I'm calling Child Services." She threatened.

"Okay, there's no need do that, I promise that by tomorrow she'll be better trained than a princess." I said eagerly. I couldn't afford for them to get involved becasue their would be investigations and one way or another they would find out about my prostitution and that would definitely make them take her away. I glanced down at Kalie and saw her pouting. After the teacher walked off I looked back down at her.

"Mommy why are you always listening to her and taking her side?!" She complained in frustration.

"What?" I asked. If she nearly bit off a kids ear then it was obvious that she was at fault. She got into the car and didn't say another word. The entire drive home was silent and it wasn't until she threw her bag down in the front room that she spoke.

"Do you know what Devon said that made me push him?" She asked, sounding close to tears.

No . . ." I said cautiously; this Devon kid was starting to get on my last nerve.

"He said that I was stupid because I didn't have a daddy." I felt the breath catch in my throat. "Then he made everyone in the class start laughing at me and saying how cool their daddies were and-and it made me sad then he was teasing me . . ." She began crying.

"Aw, come here Monkey." I said strecthing my hands and kneeling to receive her. She came to me and began crying into my chest.

"Mommy I want a daddy too."

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