What He Doesn't Know- chp 17

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Chapter 17

---Dana'a POV---

I hate you . . . . I hate you . . . I hate you. The words echoed in my mind and found their way around my entire body. She . . .  hated . . .me. I saw something snap inside my mind and suddenly I was spiraling down a dark abyss. Charlie was gone,  Richard was disgusted by me and now my own daughter hated me and . . . and wanted me . . . dead . . .  Could my life really get any worse?

"Kalie Samantha McAllister what has gotten into you?!" Abby asked, pulling her from the room. I guess she had heard everything. I willed my self to stop crying just incase anyone were to come in to see what was going on. I wouldn't let this bother me. Yes she hated me but we were still all each other has left, that counted for something . . .didn't it?

"Let go of me! Let goooo!" I heard Kalie scream from out in the hall.

"Stop it this instant young lady! Do you know what you just said to your mother?" Abby demanded.

"Yes and I mean it, I hate her!!!"

Hearing her say it a second time sent a stab of pain directly through my heart. I was slowly losing feeling in my body and a cold chill ran through me. I felt nauseous. One of the mothers from the party walked into my room looking as if she felt awkward.

"Um the other mothers and I think that it's time for us to leave, I think it's safe to say that this party is over." She said while her gazed took in every inch of the room.  I nodded, acknowleging that she had spoken and when she finally realized that I wasn't going to say anything more she turned and left the room. Okay so I guess Kalie's party was going to end earlier than expected. I sat in my room, completely numb to the outside world until I was sure that all the guest had gone. When I walked into the living room I saw mother and Abby desperately looking around. They stopped as they recognized that I was in the room.

"What's going . . . on . . .?" My voice sounded frail and without emotion.

Abby looked at me with apprehension, "We can't find Kalie and both Ashley and Kelsi are also missing."

On the inside I was screaming and panicing but for some reason I couldn't give so much as a shout. It was llike I was all but dead on the outside. Well I guess she would get half of what she wanted. I would be basically dead and she had obviously run away to be with Richard and Ashley. I wasn't even sure if I should have gone after her. It would probably only make her hate me more and I couldn't deal with that.

A car pulled into the drive way and minutes later Grace walked into the house wearing a coat and a pair og sunglasses. She took them off as she surveyed the room.

"Alight so wear are the little tikes? I'd like to get them back to my mother before 5 so I can meet with Howard for dinner."

Howard? What ever happened to Devon's father? I would ask her about it later. Right now there were more important matters on our hands.

"They're gone." I said flatly.

"Gone where?" Had her voice gone up a pitch? Wow it almos seemed like she cared.

I shrugged, my indifference was beginning to scare me. " Kalie said something about wishing I was dead and wanting to run away and stay with Ashley and Richard so I guess that's where they're gone."

"But that's not possible." She said through her teeth, trying to remain composed.

"Why not?" Abby asked, "They know- or well Kalie knows how to use the bus system."

"Yes but Richard's not in town, he's on the island which I told Ashley just this morning so unless you have a bus that drives on water we need to find them, now!" That information should have unnerved me but it didn't. They would simply find another way. Call him perhaps or even send hima message to pick them up.

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