Chapter 11: Answers

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This chapter is told by the POV of Devin

"Sup Antonio. Long time no see" I say looking down at Antonio. He doesn't say anything or even move. I think I broke him. If he's reacting to me being alive this badly, then I can't even imagine how he's gonna react to the next part "I know that you have a lot of questions but first you need to come with me" I lead him outside and tell him to wait then go back inside and grab the unconscious robed man. I get into a car and start it then pop the trunk.

"Where'd you get this?" He says as he helps me toss the man into the trunk.

"I'll tell you when we get to my place" I answer then drive off to an abandoned house a couple blocks away from Beth's house. I chose this house because I wanted to be close to Beth to keep an eye on her in case something happened to her. Like Andy. I take Antonio and the man into the house and tie the man to a chair and put him in a closet. When I get done Antonio is sitting on the floor against the wall. I go over and sit next to him.

"How are you even alive?" He asks looking over at me. I look into his eyes and can tell that this is only one of a million questions he wants to ask right now.

"I was saved by a group of men in white robes. They pulled me out of the water" I begin "The electrical blast that 'killed' me and put Milton in the hospital had drained me of all my energy. I was alive and perfectly fine but I could barely move and couldn't keep myself above water for long. I fought until my arms wouldn't move anymore and I began to drown. A man wearing a white robe came swimming through the current as fast as any fish could have and he grabbed me and swam me to safety. I got a look at his face, it was slightly orange, and I will never forget this, his eyes were on the sides of his head and he had no eyelids. Just-"

"-like a fish" Antonio finishes my sentence for me. He shakes his head trying to process this "How is this even possible?"

"Many things that seem impossible are about to happen. But first let me finish my story" I say, wanting to finish my story so I can get on with the important stuff "Fish man had dragged me out of the water and carried me to a small shack in the woods. I was still too weak to move until about the third day there. I had began being able to move my forearms then my legs then by the fifth day in that shack I could walk around. The fish man had left early in the morning the day I began to walk again and I wanted to wait for him to get back to thank him for saving me. That was a huge mistake. He showed up still wearing his white robe, but he had brought friends. He brought two others. They came inside and one of the friends darted his tongue out at me which stretched across the room and paralyzed me. I fell and the final robed man creature thing picked me up and strapped me to his back and ran faster than any man I've seen before. He ran in a sort of galloping way that reminded me of a horse. He ran me all the way to a facility outside of town. It was a bean factory, but in the basement was a huge lab. They strapped me down and took my blood. The doctor there was the only one of the people there that looked completely normal. He told me about myself. Told me I was on a list and told me that he had his men watching me and when the incident at the creek occurred, he thought it was time to bring me in. He kept me there for two whole months before a power outage occurred and the electronic locks malfunctioned letting me go. I ran as fast as I could for miles before I found an old gas station and a car parked out front. I hot wired it and took it with me. I made it to this house that me and Beth used to explore at night so I stayed here. I kept an eye on you guys for the past two months and almost stepped in during your fight with those two bone headed friends of Andy's. And I'm the one who sent Andy flying through that door last night for attempting to rape my Beth. I saw the little frog guy here follow you when you left Beth's house so I decided to follow him. I stepped in when he started attacking you. The fish and horse guys took my siblings by the time the frog man had even gotten there"

"Wow. I.. I don't know what to say" Antonio stammers then stands up. "Wait, that still doesn't explain the big blast at the creek that day" he looks over at me hoping I know the answer. I stand up and look him in the eye asking if he really wants to know. He nods his head so I sigh and decide to tell him.

"The blast was me" I say and his eyes get huge. He opens his mouth to say something but I hold my hand up signifying not to. "The lights going out at Beth and my houses were also me. And think back to school the day of the accident. Remember the outlet?"

"Yeah, it shorted out and exploded or something. Wait, you caused that? How?" He says taking a step back. The look on his face is one of pure puzzlement. I take a step back and hold my hands out.

"Like this" I say as I focus as hard as I can on my hands. Sparks start flying from my fingertips as a ball of concentrated electricity forms in the ball of my hand. I close my hands and the ball fades away. I look up at Antonio and he is looking straight back at me. "So.. What do you think?"

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