Chapter 17: Not the Only One

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This chapter is told by the POV of Devin

Shit fucking damnit!! The cops?! This is just great!! I slam on the breaks and start thinking of what to do now. I hear a popping dripping sound behind me and turn to see a hole being burned into the divider between me and Steven and the rest of the guys. Milton pops his head out of the hole and looks at me

"What the hell was that stop for?!" He says then looks out the front window "Oh.. ok.."

"Yeah." I say still trying to think

"Leave this to me" he says and pops his head back to his side of the truck. I look back there and see him moving everybody to the side of the truck. He has Antonio give his a boost in his back then Milton puts his hands on the roof of the truck and melts a big hole then pulls himself halfway through it

"Ok, Oliver, Antonio, keep me up, this is gonna get hot" he says and points his palms towards the cops

"Wait!" I yell and he freezes "Gimme a second" I say then squint my eyes hard and focus as hard as I can to get the police cars to drive out of the way of us. My nose bleeds slightly from the strain but I'm ok. I start driving forwards and the cops begin shooting at us. They hit the front left tire and the trunk bumbs a little but still going straight

"Get out the way motha fuckas!!" Milton screams and lets loose a huge blast of fire from both hands. The cops stop shooting and run to avoid the fire. Milton laughs like a madman and continues shooting fire near the cops. Antonio and Oliver lower Milton back into the truck once we are past the cops and I drive as fast as I can with a flat tire. When we are a safe distance away I pull into a farmhouse driveway and stop the car infront of the house

"Everybody stay here" I say looking back at the people in the back, the only one that still out is Kelly. Beth has been holding her so she won't roll all over the truck "We'll be right back" I nod at Steven and we both get out of the truck. We knock on the door and wait for an answer. A big man opens the door and walks out onto the porch

"Can I help you?" He says giving us a strange look

"Umm yeah.." Steven says "We need a little... help.."

"We need a place to stay for a while. We have an injured friend and a broken vehicle. We aren't going to take no as an answer" I say staring down the man so he knows I mean buisness. He looks at me and starts laughing

"If you're trying to scare me it isn't going to work pipsqueak" he says glaring at me "So I'd get off my property before I blow your head off"

"Ok. Sorry sir.. Devin lets go.." Steven says turning and walking away. I grab his shoulder and turn him back to me. I look him in the eyes and he sighs and stands back on the porch

"I don't think you're really going to shoot me" I say challenging the man. He pushes me off the porch and I land on my ass. I smirk up at the man "That's not shooting"

"Boy you fucked up!" He says opening the door and grabbing a shotgun thats leaning against the wall right inside

"Oh, look at that, you have such a cool toy" I say mocking him. He points the gun at my head

"Daddy stop" A voice says behind him calmly. A teenage girl probably my age comes walking out and lowers the barrell of the gun

"Hey Madeline" Steven says still shaking. Wait does he know this girl? I guess she does look a little familiar

"Oh god. What do you two want?" She says glaring at me and Steven

"Wait, you know these two punks?" Her dad asks her.

"Yes. They go to my school. Let them in" she sighs then walks inside. I stick my tounge out at her dad and then walk over to the truck and let out my friends. We all go inside and lay Kelly on the floor

"So what happened to you all" Madeline asked

"We are running from the cops" Desmond says

"Oh my god?! Why?!" Madeline asks concerned

"Because we can do this" Milton says snapping his fingers causing a small flame to ignite from his finger then he blows it out. I smack him in the back of the head

"You don't just go around telling people that!" I say then look over at Madeline. She has the strangest look on her face, her eyes look extremely surprised but she has a huge smile on her face. She looks at Milton and then grabs the glass of water sitting next to her

"I thought I was the only one" she says smiling then closes her eyes and the water inside of the glass freezes

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