Chapter 25: Love and Loss

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This chapter is told in the POV of Devin

I lay there strapped to my chair, bed, table thingy, completely silent, my heart in pieces. I just saw the love of my life get her brains blown out in front of me. The guards strapped Antonio and Kelly in similar bed things, and I saw all the others in beds too except for Desmond and Steven.

I lay there for days, periodically having blood drained and tested, and having all of my feeding and waste taken care of by tubes. I didn't care though, about any of it. I knew I was gonna die there and I welcomed that inevitability. After a few days, three guards come and unstrap me, they take me through a dark hallway to a large door. They leave down the hallway we just came from and the door in front of me opens up to a large white room. I walk in and look around. Nothing is there so I sit in the middle and wait to die

"Devin?" I wake up to a voice behind me "Oh thank god you're ok" Its Madeline, she walks up to me and tries to hug me. I shove her off and lay back down to sleep more

"Leave me alone. I don't want to talk" I say closing my eyes. A buzzing sounds peeks my interest and I sit up. More doors open up to reveal Antonio, Kelly, and Mike all standing there confused as all hell like Madeline

"Antonio!" Kelly screams and runs then jumps into his arms. I have a flashback of Beth on our first date, and how she hugged me goodbye. There's a small rumbling sound coming from the ceiling as everybody talks. Their talking dies down as the rumbling gets louder and louder. All of a sudden, a huge black figure drops down from the sky. It has eight legs jetting out from a human back. The legs lift the human body off the ground about 10 feet, way bigger than everybody else. Looking up at the super spider's human body, I realize that it is Desmond's. I feel bad, knowing he is gone inside

"You will all fall before me!!" Desmond yells and kicks a huge spider leg at Madeline, she gets hit and slams against the wall unconscious. He then steps on Mike crushing his arm and breaking the bone. Antonio runs forwards and turns his fist into solid rock and smashes it into Desmond's chest. He staggers back in pain then laughs and kicks Antonio aside. He splits himself into two super spider Desmonds and both go after Antonio. I sit there on the ground and just watch as they make they're futile attempts to defeat the huge creature

"Get up and help us!" Mike says smacking me in the face. I still just sit there and stare up at him. The Desmond closest to us swings a giant leg at us and makes contact with Mike's good arm, smashing that one as well. Wait.. No.. Mike catches the leg in his arm "I'm getting pretty pissed off with you, you overgrown bug!!" He shouts and throws Desmond spider across the room into the wall splatting him

"Mike help!" Antonio shouts as he is getting hit repeatedly by Desmond's human hands while two legs keep him pinned up against the wall seven feet high

"Antonio no!" Kelly shouts and kicks Desmond in one of his spider legs. He turns and kicks her away. Antonio shouts in protest and swings rapidly at Desmond's human face, but in vain as he is thrown to the floor. Mike runs over and lifts Desmond up with incredible strength and chucks him across the room. As Mike turns to help Antonio, an unexpected Desmond spider clone strikes him down

"Antonio help me!!" Kelly screams while being held in the arms of Desmond number one. Desmond number two crawls over and grabs Kelly's legs. He backs up and slowly begins stretching her

"Let her go!! Now!!!!" Antonio yells and braces himself for death. Antonio stands there ready to die for this girl and I see the thing I have lost. True love. I have lost my true love, and my best friend is about to lose his

"Antonio step aside. This one is for Beth" I say standing up and facing the two large beasts ahead of me

"You think that-" says Desmond one

"-you can beat us?" finishes Desmond two

"Set the girl down. And then we can find out who is better" I say walking towards them. They throw Kelly to Antonio and walk closer to me in return. I put my hands up infront of my chest and squat down and begin focusing every ounce of energy in my body to my hands

"You are weak. Just like Beth. That's why she is dead. And that's why you will follow right behind her" Desmond taunts getting closer and closer to me

"Beth was stronger than you. Stronger than me. She died so her friends can live. And I'm going to do the same. Antonio? Take care of them all. You have a short time before this place goes to hell. Find the others, and get out. Go! Now!!" I yell and quickly blow a hole in the wall to my right, Antonio helps Kelly through while Mike carries Madeline, I look back at the now multiplying Desmonds and smile. This is the end. Here I come Beth.

I scream victory as I run into the mass of giant Desmond spiders and let loose all of my energy at once. The entire room flashes and in an instant, all of the Desmond's are nothing but smoke. The buildings electronics all begins exploding before finally the main generator goes, blowing the entire building to nothing.

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