Chapter 26: End of the World as We Know It

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This chapter is told in the POV of Steven

BOOM!!! A huge explosion goes off about half a mile to our left

"What the fuck was that!!" I shout and look in the direction of the explosion, I can see debris flying through the air above the trees towards us. I duck and cover behind a nearby tree and hope for the best

"This is fun!" I hear Jessica shout to me from out in the open. I look up at her and see a huge piece of what looks like brick wall fall towards her

"Jessica move!" I shout reaching out to her. She smiles and without looking up falls to her butt and rolls out of the way of the deadly wall piece

"You're so paranoid, nothing is gonna happen to me, calm down" she says dodging another piece of debris. After about a minute or two of dodging debris, she looks up and pouts seeing that there isn't any more to dodge

"I think we should get going" I say standing up and brushing off my butt "we should probably go find out what that explosion even was"

"Wait let me get this straight" she says "you want to run TOWARDS the big explosion place?"

"Yeah, that's right" I reply not getting where she's going with this

"Wow, I'm starting to like you more and more every day" she says smiling up at me, I begin truly studying her features, she looks to be about ten years old but has a face that says she's been through alot. Alot more than any kid her age should have gone through

"We should go now" I say and begin walking towards the smoke in the distance. She follows behind me and hums a little tune to herself. How is she so cheerful all the time? We keep walking towards the smoke and come to a large field of burnt grass and debris

"Help... Me..." A raspy voice says somewhere from the pile. I rush around looking for the source and find a man in a burnt and torn lab coat, missing a leg, laying on a broken chunk of brick wall

"Oh my god, are you ok?!" I ask kneeling next to him, with Jessica coming up beside me

"My name is Justin Gallith. I'm a scientist. Quick, I need to warn you" he chokes out

"Warn me of what?" I ask puzzled

"It all started a few years back, a man showed up at my door and offered me a job, said I was one of the best scientists he has ever seen, said he had something he needed me to help him with. I was excited by the mystery of it all, of course, so I followed him. He flew me to Iowa and by car drove here, to this factory. He led me inside and what I saw amazed me. Creatures everywhere, half human, half animal. He took me to the lab room and told me he wanted me to examine a blood sample he would provide me. I told him I would and a few hours later I was given the blood sample. I studied it and studied it and after careful examination I finally found what he wanted me to look for. An altered genetic code in a humans DNA. A code that controls the growth of a certain part of the human brain. If a child is born with this genetic code, it could be capable of doing extraordinary things in it's future. But my boss, he told me these children were real, told me that he had one. He led me to another room. A room where a child.. was locked up and bound at his hands and feet. My boss told me that this child had the ability to convert DNA between animals to another to create a mixed hybrid creature, much like most of the soldiers we had at this facility. My boss said there were more out there. Said that they were being gathered up by an even bigger boss that I have only heard referred to as He and Him. They were being gathered up for..." a sudden wiz past my face cuts off the scientists words as a ring of sound circles through the air and a hole appears in the side of his head. I stand up and turn swiftly to the figure standing in the distance holding a gun

"I wouldn't move if I were you!" He shouts at me and Jessica. He points the gun at us and keeps it there as he talks "My name is Robert Rodriguez. And I think you two have caused enough trouble today. I can't let you leave here alive. I'm sorry, but goodbye" he pulls the trigger and another ring sounds through the air. I open my eyes and see the bullet floating in front of my face. Kinda forgot I could do that for a second there. I send the bullet flying back towards him and hit him in the right shoulder so as not to kill him. He falls to the ground bleeding. I take a step towards him and feel a hand on my shoulder stop me.

"Let me handle this one. Ill find out what you need to know" Jessica says stepping past me to Robert. She drags him behind a large piece of debris and motions for me to sit down and stay. I do as I'm told and cover my ears once the screaming starts. A few minutes later Jessica comes back wiping her bloody hands on her pants

"So? What'd he say? Is he... alive?" I ask hesitating

"No. He's dead. And I could only get a bit out of him. He said there are kids all over the world that have special powers. He said they are pure blooded and powerful. He said that He wants to gather these kids. Kids like you. This He is making a chemical warfare bomb. A bomb that will wipe out all those without pure blood. And only those few hundred special kids around the world will survive. Right before he died. He said the end was already here. He said it was happening. Today.." she says and sits next to me. A faint whistling sound whirls in the air and I look up. I see hundreds of thousands of objects falling from the sky as far as the eye can see. And the horrible realization hits me, as I understand, this is truly the end of the world as we know it.

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