Chapter 7: Three Months Later

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This chapter is told by the POV of Steven

It's been three months since the death of Devin. We never found a body but the police said it probably got trapped on some rocks and picked apart by some stray dogs or washed all the way down the creek and into the river which would mean its long gone by now. Everybody at the creek that day attended his funeral except Milton who woke up from a coma three days ago and is still in the hospital recovering. I am going after school to check up on him. Beth is a complete mess. This kid Andy has been trying to take advantage of her since Devin has been gone by being there for her and trying to comfort her when she needs it. Everybody thinks he's just being a good friend but I overheard him and one of his friends talking about him planning to get in her pants. Kelly and Antonio are still together but Antonio has been pretty distant. We haven't had the fights since that day. I walk into Spanish class and see Kelly sitting there talking to Mike.

"Hey guys what's going on?" I ask sitting down with them

"Nothing. I'm just worried about Beth. She isn't doing so good" Kelly says

"Dude, she really liked Devin. A lot" he added on

"Ya I know. Its a shame all of that happened. I always thought he would outlast all of us. Him and Antonio were always the toughest. I can't believe he's gone"

"Antonio isn't doing so hot either. We barely text anymore and he barely says anything in any of his classes. He's gotten suspended twice so far for fighting and if he does it again he'll get expelled!" she tells us

"I'll have a talk with him. Don't worry" I say as the teacher walks into the class. We sit there and do our work until the bell rings dismissing us. I go to my other classes and sit there bored out of my mind. Thirty seconds to go till schools out. Come on time go faster. Five seconds... Four.. Three.. Two.. One.. BBRRRIIIINNNNNGGGGGG!!! Yes! Schools over. Time to go visit Milton. I grab my backpack and head out of the school. I head around the corner of the building of the school and see Andy and his group of friends. I decide to stay out of their way and turn around to go the other way.

"Hey Steven" Andy yells at me "Get that scrawny ass over here" I head over to him and stand in front of him and his two followers

"What do u want?" I say glaring at him. He grins at me devilishly and throws his hands above his head like a mocking shrug

"I just don't know what to do about that girl Beth. She just won't get over that asshole Devin. I mean damn she is fine, I have been trying to get with that booty forever" he starts saying as he walks circles around me knowing I'm getting pissed off "but Devin has always gotten in the way of my plans. And now since he has had such a tragic tragic accident he isn't here. But he is still interfering somehow. Why do you think that is?" He asks staring me down.

"I don't know, maybe because you're a lowlife piece of shit that couldn't get a god damn sex doll to have sex with you! You're never going to have Beth. Never. So I'd give up now, shit for brains." I say, so mad that I don't care what he does to me for saying that

"You really shouldn't have said that, retard" he says swinging at me. I easily dodge it and sweep kick his legs out from under him. "Woah what the hell?! Get him, you idiots!" he orders his two big followers. They took a step towards me, cracking their big meaty knuckles. I feel a hand on my shoulder from behind

"I've got this one" Antonio tells me grinning at the big brutes in front of us

"No, this is my fight. I've got this!" I say not wanting to back out from a fight

"No. This is Devin's fight. He made me promise that if anything happened to him, I had to protect Beth for him. I overheard what this creep was saying and it definitely deserves an ass whopping" he says taking a step towards Andy

"Wait! Stop him. Stop him!" Andy shouts as he scrambles to his feet and runs away

"Go get him!" Antonio yells to me as he faces the two goons he is about to fight. I run after Andy at top speed. I hope Antonio knows what he's doing.

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