Chapter 15: Rage

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This chapter is told by the POV of Antonio

I catch Kelly as the explosion knock her over. Beth falls on the concrete and lands on her arm. I don't see Jacob but I bet he is somewhere around here whining to himself. After a few seconds I get Kelly off of me and get up to see what's going on. The house Milton was in is on fire. At least, what's left of it. I run over to the house and see debris everywhere. I hear a small cough across the street and turn to see Devin sitting on a roof covered in singes and scratches. Damn he's one lucky bastard. I hear more coughing behind me and see a figure waving smoke out of his face. It's Milton!

"Sorry about that guys" he says nonchalantly "thats been happening alot lately, just not this bad" I just stand there and stare at him. He looks up at Devin on the roof "You ok up there?!" He shouts up to him

"What the fuck?!" He yells and jumps off the roof to a tree limb closer to the ground then jumps to the ground and comes running over to us. Kelly, Beth, and Jacob get up and walk over slowly as well

"What.. what the fuck...?" Jacob says stammering like an idiot. He doesn't know anything about what's going on. Hell, I didn't know about Milton's powers for sure. They're more powerful than mine. Damn. Devin glares at Milton for a second

"How long has this been going on?" Devin asks while eyeing Milton

"About a week" Milton replies scratching at his head. He sits down on the ground and starts talking again "I can hold in the fire pretty good but this cold is a pain in the ass, I almost burnt down my house twice, and yesterday I sneezed in McDonalds and almost blew it up. Luckily I sneezed into the trashcan and they put it out quickly"

"Jesus christ" I say backing away from him just in case. "Wait... guys quite.." I say shushing them. We all get quite and hear sirens in the distance. Shit. How did I not think of that! They're firetrucks responding to the explosion. Damnit

"Shit! Run! This way!" Devin says and begins running opposite the firetrucks. As we're running I take one last look at our old hangout as it collapses to the ground. We get about three blocks before we run into Steven, Mike, Desmond, and Oliver

"What the hell happened here?" Mike asks looking at Devin all dirtied and scratched up and Milton's clothes being burnt

"Woah wait what?!" Oliver says running over to Devin "Dude I thought you were dead?!"

"Not exactly, but I'll explain that later, we need to get out of here" he says and turns to start running then stops dead in his tracks staring straight ahead. The panther man is standing two houses down smirking at us. Can we ever get a fucking break?! Like seriously?! It's like our lives are some twisted action movie! I grab Kelly and Beth and hide them behind me as Devin concentrates electricity to his hands again ready to fight

"Woah, what the hell? Who the hell is that?" Mike asks me looking confused as hell

"He's a bad guy. He's here for me and Milton" Devin says then reaches into his pocket and takes out Mike's knife and tosses it to him "You'll need this more than me" he catches it then flips it open ready to fight still not knowing why. Milton walks up and stands next to Devin with his fists up

"And to think only I could do this? How foolish" he laughs then his hands burst into flames just like how Devin's are with his electricity

"Ok guys, this guy will kill you with no regrets, so no holding back. We can do this, kill this ugly fucker!" Devin shouts as all but me and the girls rush towards the panther man. Devin and Milton get there first and begin trying to hit him. The panther man dodges all of their hits with incredible speed then hits both of their wrists as each of them throw a punch at the same time causing them to hit eachother knocking eachother several feet back

"Idiots" the panther man taunts "You think I'm going to be anywhere to as easy to beat as that ancient frog guy? Not a chance" he leaps forward and punches Steven in the stomach collapseing him instantly. Jacob swings at him and he grabs Jacob and throws him into Desmond. Oliver runs and slides under the panther mans legs then hops up and hits him hard from the back. The panther man gives no reaction to the hit and slowly turns around then lifts Oliver by the neck

"Oliver!!" Mike yells right behind the panther man then stabs him in the shoulder blade causing him to drop Oliver. He turns and looks Mike in the eyes obviously pissed. He reaches back and pulls the knife out of his back. Mike takes step forward and punches him in the jaw. The panther man stabs Mike in the side of the arm then kicks him in the chest so hard he goes flying into the middle of the street with the knife sticking out of his arm. He turns to me and the girls then gets wide eyed then smirks directly at me

"Didn't I kill you earlier tonight?" He says walking closer to us

"Didn't stick" I say backing away more. I turn to the girls "Beth, go see if Devin's ok. Kelly, go to Milton. We need them" I say knowing I can't beat this man on my own. Beth runs to Devin but Kelly stays in place behind me

"I'm not leaving you Antonio" she says and not having time to argue, I let her stay. The panther man pounces towards me and I dodge out of the way and throw Kelly to the lawn then turn to face the panther man again. I swing at him and he catches it then kicks me in the chest sending me to the ground. I get up and glare at the man and wait for his attack. He runs up to me and swing his claws at my head and I duck out of the way then when I'm squatted down he kicks me in the face nearly knocking me out. I look up dizzy and see him walking towards me

"This time I'll make sure you're dead" he says then reaches for me. I try to roll away but can't move and when I think to myself that I've failed again I see a fist contact with the man's face. He doesn't flinch or move an inch. He looks over and sees Kelly there shaking like it's -50° out here. He punches her in the stomach and she throws up on the ground

"Kelly!! You leave her alone you asshole!" I yell at the man then slowly sit up and try to stand. He kicks me back down then walks over to Kelly and lifts her chin so she's looking at his face

"You have feelings for this girl? How cute. She's brave I'll give her that" he says then stands up and kicks her in the face sending her bleeding to the ground

"Kelly!!!" I scream and struggle up to my feet then stumble to the panther man. I swing at him and he dodges and kicks me to the ground yet again. He walks over to Kelly and lifts her head then punches her in the face

"Stop it!! You bastard I'll kill you!!" I scream at him. He just laughs and hits her again. I look around to see if any of my friends are able to help. None of them can even stand but Beth and she's trying to wake up Devin without success. The panther man hits Kelly in the face again and I feel my blood boil and my heart is beating so fast it feels like it's going to burst

"You can't save her" he says hitting her again "I'm going to kill her and there's nothing you can do to stop me because you are useless. You have failed your friends and especially failed this girl" he says then hits her again

"I'M GOING TO FUCKING MURDER YOU!!!!!!" I scream as my anger boils over and takes over. The ground begins to shake as I stand up and slowly stumble towards the panther man. He can barely keep his balance as the earth shakes so violently it seems as if there's an earthquake but stops once I get to the panther man. My instincts take over as the man swings at me. I catch his arm in my hand and his eyes get wide. I use the other hand to grab his elbow and push up and shatter his arm. He screams then tries to kick me. I sidestep it and kick his legs out from under him. He hits the ground hard and I outstretch my arm towards him. I spread my fingers and the ground opens up and starts to suck him into it. I close my hand when just his head is sticking out. He struggles but can't get out

"What have you done?! You can't kill me! I killed you once I'll do it again!" He shouts at me. I kick him in the face

"This is for Devin!" I shout kicking him in the face "And Steven! And Mike! And Milton! And Oliver!" I keep kicking him then stoop down and get face to face with him "AND THIS IS FOR KELLY!!!!!!" I shout in his face then begin punching him in the face. I keep hitting him in the face for over an hour until the sun begins coming up and I collapse to the ground unconscious next to Kelly.

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