Chapter 4: First Blood

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This chapter is told by the POV of Steven

Desmond vs Milton?! Oh man this is going to be good. Desmond stands up looking a little too confident which makes me nervous. Does he think Milton doesn't stand a chance? Or is he trying to hide his fear? Guess we're about to find out. Milton stand up and looks around nervously.

"you ready for this?" Desmond says putting his fists up.

"anytime" Milton snaps back stepping back into a fighting stance.

"both of you chill your tits" Devin says smirking stepping between them "as your first fight here, I must observe your skills and speed for future fights and challanges. This fight will be a point spar. No need to hold back, but whenever you hit your opponent, that's a point and you stop. First one to get three points wins" he pauses to let everything soak in "now, are you two ready to fight?"

"anytime!" Desmond shouts out

"ya I guess so" Milton murmurs

"what was that?" Devin says trying to get Milton a little more nervous. Milton's head lowers in shame and embarrassment. Wait. Is he smiling. Holy sit Milton's smiling!

"yes. I'm ready to win this fight no matter what it takes!" he says looking up to reveal his true courage. How did I miss that? He was faking being scared to get Desmond over confident.

"Ok, I want a dirty fight, let there be blood" Devin shouts with a grin on his face. He steps out of the way and the fight begins. Desmond begins hoping around with his fists in the air like boxers do. I can tell he knows what he's doing. Or at least thinks he does. Milton is just standing there with his hands behind his back. What the hell is he doing? Desmond runs towards Milton and swings full force at his face. Milton ducks and snap kicks him in the stomach. Desmond falls to the ground gasping for air while Milton straightens back up and steps back.

"one point Milton" Devin shouts raising his hand towards Milton. Desmond stand up and puts his fists back up looking a lot more nervous then before. Milton looks like he knows what he's doing, but Desmond doesn't look easy to beat. I wonder how this is going to turn out. Devin swings his arms up and steps back signaling to fight again. Desmond runs in yet again but instead of swinging high, he slides as if he were sliding into home plate, which sweeps Milton off his feet. Desmond stands up and jumps in Milton's direction but using his speed, Milton rolls out of the way and lands a kick to Desmond right leg. Milton stands up and jabs at Desmond who catches the punch. Desmond smiles at Milton then pulls him in by his arm and knees him directly in the chest.

"stop! stop! point, Desmond!" Devin shouts stepping in to separate the two. Damn, Desmond has some sick moves. But no matter how strong or fast he is, will he be able to out maneuver Milton's skills? This is almost as intense as the fight between Devin and Antonio where Devin got a broken arm and Antonio cracked his kneecap. That fight started the no bone breaking rule. While I was thinking to myself Devin had already began the fight again. Desmond stayed back this time and Milton was forced to attack first. Milton throws a swing at Desmond which is dodged then he bends his elbow which smashes into the side of Desmond's head, then before Devin has time to call stop, Milton spin kicks Desmond in the chest sending him flying back.

"woah shit!! That's enough! Impressive technique though" Devin says nodding at Milton. I get up and head over to Desmond to help him up.

"you ok man? you just got the shit kicked out of you" I say trying to sound as sympathetic as I can without patronizing him. He stands up and rubs the side of his head

"its not the kick that hurts. I'm still winning this" he says stepping forward and raising his fists. I take my seat back in the circle. Milton is going to win. He made sure of that with that elbow to the head. Desmond isn't going to give up easy though.

"one last point for Milton and he wins. Desmond needs two more. Begin!" Devin shouts as he steps out of the way. Milton lunges forward to headbutt Desmond in the chest, but Desmond side steps and pushes up on Milton's chest sending him flying up and over the circle of people. Milton hits the ground and rolls forward onto his feet then turns around and jumps back into the circle. He begins throwing punch after punch at Desmond but he blocks each one with his forearm. Desmond throws one last desperation punch as his forearms begin to swell and bruise. Milton barely steps out of range in time then jets forward with his fist in the air. Milton slams his fist directly into Desmond's face knocking him out. Devin walks over and grabs Milton's wrist and lifts his hand into the air.

"we have ourselves a winner!" Devin shouts then lowers Milton's hand "somebody get him an icepack and a bandage" he says pointing to Desmond. I walk over to where Desmond lay half conscious now in the sand.

"you did good, I couldn't have done any better" I say checking his injuries. I see blood dropping from his nose. Doesn't look broken but we should ice it.

"well.." Desmond said looking up at me "at least I had the honor of giving first blood"

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