Chapter 1: First Day

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This chapter is told by the POV of Devin

I wake up Aug. 20th, 2014. First day of school. This is going to suck. I get up, shower, brush my teeth, and get dressed. It's 7:00, they should be here by now. ding dong. I walk over to the door and unlock it.

"what took you guys so long?" I ask

"don't start with that you're late shit, cuz you're the one that's always late" Antonio says smiling.

"where's Steven?" I ask. I feel a hand grab my shoulder and I jump like three feet in the air. I turn around "what the fuck man?! how the hell did you even get in here?!"

"back door was unlocked" he says "we gonna go?" I grab my backpack and we head out for the first day of highschool. On the way there we pick up two more people, Mike and Oliver.

We get to school five minutes before the bell rings, say goodbye to one another, then go to our first class. I had band so I already know where to go since I had to go there for practices in the summer. Band is really boring today, we aren't getting to play any music. I look at the clock. Five minutes until we get out, good. Mr. Marcus tells us that we need to play the fight song before we leave so we all pick up our instruments and get ready to play.

During the song the sophomore next to me, Brent, plays a note wrong and I snicker a little bit. He stops playing and looks over at me.

"you find something funny half pint?" he snarls at me. I'm not exactly very short, I'm 5'7, but Brent is 6'2 and built like a house.

"no it's just I thought a big guy like you would be playing football, not in here fucking up the fight song" I say glaring at him. He shoved me back into the senior next to me.

"you should really watch who your talking to you stupid faggot!" he screams in my face as he hits me in the stomach. The band goes silent and everybody is watching as I fall to the floor. The senior steps over me and throws a swing at Brent who easily catches it and punches him in the face sending him to the ground as well. I get up slowly and look Brent in the eyes while reaching for my Baritone hoping he won't notice. He steps closer to me raising his fist once more, but just before he can swing I jerk upward and swing the Baritone full force into his face sending him falling unconscious to the ground. I stand up and look around at everyone watching and know I'm fucked.

"office, both of you, now!!" Mr. Marcus screams at me and the senior. "and someone help him to the nurses office!" he screams pointing at Brent. Me and the senior begin walking down to the office.

"that was pretty cool what you did back there" he says on the way and extends his hand to me "my name's Gabriel"

"I'm Devin" I say shaking his hand "thanks for helping me out"

"yeah, I don't know how to fight but it seems like you can take care of yourself pretty well" he says smirking

"either way, we are both completely boned. The principal...."

"is my dad" Gabriel interrupts "we will both be fine, but you should watch out for Brent from now on"

"No problem there" I reply as we reach the door to the office. Gabriel talks to his dad while I sit outside and wait. He comes out and says that we are both suspended for the rest of the day for fighting, but Brent was kicked out of band for hitting Gabriel, a section leader.

I go home and spend the rest of the day sleeping. I did not want to be awake when my mom gets here. She got home with my younger siblings, Brody and Olivia, around 5:00 and woke me up. She began screaming at me as soon as I was awake.

"what were you thinking?! You do not hit kids with musical instruments!" she screams at me then sighs "did he deserve it?"

"yes. Yes he did." I say

"Ok." she says then walks into the kitchen to make dinner. I am left there in complete shock. I was expecting her to scream at me for at least a week. We eat dinner then I watch TV until I fall asleep. Overall, I think this was a pretty eventful first day.

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