Chapter 12: Croaked

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This chapter is told by the POV of Steven

Why the hell am I even here? I ask myself as I walk closer to the house with Milton and Mike walking with me. I was at home up in my room when rocks starting hitting my window. I looked outside and saw the two idiots standing there telling me to go outside with them. I did and they said they were heading to our old hangout over by Beth's house and asked if I wanted to come with. The hangout was an old abandoned house that we used to sleep in when it was too cold to sleep at the park over by there. Devin and Beth used that place the most though. I don't even want to know what happened with them in there. Nobody has been there since Devin died. I agreed to go with and I don't even know why. We walked for about an hour to get over here and now we are walking up the steps.

"Are you guys ready for this?" Milton asks as we approach the door. He grabs the knob and I hear scrambling inside

"Don't open the door" I say and he lets go and turns around

"Why not?" He questions

"Because theres someone inside" I reply and start heading away from the house

"Hey wait up" Mike says and I turn around "I have us covered" he says reaching into his pocket and pulling out a switchblade. He opens the door and walks inside. Me and Milton follow behind him. I forgot how creepy this house is at night. There's a small moaning noise from a closet on the far side of the first room. I stored firecrackers in that closet at one point. I sneak over to the door and slowly open it. Fast as lightning a long red thing come stretching out and hits Milton is the side of the arm. Milton falls to the ground. I try shutting the door but something slams into it. I fall back as a man in a white robe tied to a chair comes tumbling out if the room. The man breaks the rope tying him to the chair and shoots his tongue out and hits the floor next to my head. So thats what the red thing was. I roll to the side then get up on my feet ready to jump out of the way of that tongue.

"I've got your back" I hear as Antonio slams into the toad man. He grabs its arms and pins it to the floor. I run over to Milton and help him up, he seems able to move ok again.

"Mike, the knife!" I yell looking to Mike on the other side of the room. He looks at me and tosses me the knife. I flip it open and point it at the man. "Who are you?" I ask as my first question

"Your capturer, mind mover" He says in a low cracked voice. My capturer? Wait, what did he just call me? "I'm here to collect you and the others like you. I'm quite fortunate that your special blood also affects your brains and brought you and the others together easier. I've been tracking the electric one, but when I saw him with you at the school building, I knew grabbing you would prove more difficult. The good child that always relies on others to bail him out. Not brave enough to be alone. I knew you would be a challenge to get, but tonight is the night I will bring you and the electric one to my master" he says then bucks Antonio off of him and hits him with his tongue. He stands up and quickly hits Mike and Milton as well. I swipe at him with the knife but miss by a mile. He's too fast. He gets me in the neck with his tongue sending me crumpling to the floor like the others.

"Hey frog boy" a voice says from out of my direct vision "Pick on somebody with your own skills. You won't be taking my friends" Wait. It can't be. That's Devin's voice. I fight my hardest against the paralysis but can only manage to move my neck. I look towards Devin's voice and see him standing there in a fighting stance with sparks coming from his hands. I must be dreaming.

"Ahhh, electric one. So you are still here huh?" The toad guy says to Devin. He's alive. I'm not dreaming am I? Devin rushes in to battle with the toad guy and punches him repeatedly with his sparking fists. The toad is being shocked violently with every hit and after a good few minutes, the toad guy collapses to the floor.

"Devin?" I say starting to regain movement. He turns and walks over to me

"It's ok buddy, I'll fill you in as soon as I am done with this ugly frog" he says then starts back towards the toad guy. In one last attempt, he darts his tounge out to hit Devin. Devin side steps and grabs the tounge mid air and squeezes hard. He closes his eyes and flexes as hard as he can sending wave after wave of electricity down the toads tongue to his body. The toad guy collapses completely to the floor unable to move

"If you kill me, there will be more to take my place. I will be avenged and you will be His. Your siblings are already with Him and they are probably already dead" the toad guy says from the ground up to Devin. Devin crouches down and places his hands on the toad's head

"I will find them and save them. And I will take down this Him you're talking about. Too bad you won't be around to see it" Devin says as he tightens his grip on the toad man's head. The toad's eyes go wide and Devin jerks his hand sideways snapping his neck. The toad's head slumps to the ground, lifeless and still.

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