Chapter 24: Hallway of Horror

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This chapter is told by the POV of Antonio

"Finally made it" I say looking up at the walls surrounding a large metal building "Although Devin didn't mention anything about a wall"

"Then how do you know this is the place" Milton asks next to me

"These plants don't naturally grow in this country, they grow in Africa and are a big part of most vegetarian African animals" I say plucking a small flower off the ground and study it

"How could you possibly know that?" Milton says knowing that I failed science last year

"Because I just know, part of my powers I guess, anyway, we should look around for Devin and Kelly" I say and head off to search for the others and a way in. Milton follows closely behind but Mike and Oliver head off in the other way to cover more ground

"Do you think they are already here?" Milton asks me to break the ice

"Probably not yet, we made good time, and if they had to fight people they'll be slowed down even more" I reply then put my arm out to stop Milton "Shhh, do you hear that?"

"Yeah, it sounds like a cow" he says looking around

"No, I think it's bigger" I say also looking for the source of the low humming noise

"Is that a fucking whale?!?!" Milton shouts and points up to a large figure falling from the sky. He's right! It's a whale! Right before the whale lands on the building, a large net shoots from a cannon on one side of the wall and stretches all the way to the other side and catches the whale. The force of the whale being stopped by the net puts so much stress on the wall that it cracks and breaks in multiple places. A large chunk breaks off right by me and Milton and I jump through the gap to the other side

"Let's go!" I shout back at him then run as fast as I can towards the building, he follows close behind me and we press ourselves against the building. Voices of men are running towards us as fast as they can when I hear a shushed voice from behind me

"This way, quickly" says a panicked Devin "I know a way in"

"Freeze!!" Shouts a guard behind me, I turn to see a group of about 30ish men with feelers on their heads and large pinchers for mouths and I realize that they are a small army of ant people, all about 6 feet tall

"Freeze? Freeze?! Bitch what?! You're telling ME to FREEZE?!?!" Milton shouts with a smirk on his face. He shoots a large fireball from his hands exploding the ground in front of the ants

"Milton lets go!" I yell back to him from where I'm running with Devin

"No, it's fine! Go on without me! I've got this!" He shouts back then takes a huge breath in. He turns around a lets out a huge flame from his mouth that engulfs the ants. As I turn the corner I see even more ant men surround him and I know he can't take them all on but I keep running.

"Right through here" Devin says arriving to a large steel door. He touches the keypad that requires a pass code to open, he shocks it unlocking the lock mechanism and opens the door.

"I'm still impressed on how you do that" I say slightly jealous that I can't do it. We walk into the building and immediately hear an alarm

"That can't be us, I technically didn't break in" Devin says and peeks around a corner to see if there are any guards. His eyes get huge and he steps out into the hallway. I peer around the corner to see what he's looking at and see Beth standing there with Kelly. I run to Kelly and am almost hit by a bullet from a guard coming from behind us. More guards come and grab Kelly and Beth and begin to drag them back away from us

"Let us go!" Kelly screams, which is responded by a swift hit to the face by the butt of the handgun of one of the guards knocking her to the ground

"Kelly!" Me and Beth both scream. Beth breaks free and punches the guard ant in the face then rips the gun from his hand and point it at him

"Everyone on the ground now or I shoot him!" Beth yells and everyone but me and Devin lower themselves down to the ground but keep her in their sights ready to shoot if need be

"Your girlfriend's a badass" I say looking over to Devin, he chuckles a bit then runs with me over to Kelly to help her up. She's out cold. Beth puts the gun closer to the guards head and he swiftly turns and grabs at it, barely missing as Beth pulls her arm back, she reaches forward and pulls the trigger. Click. Jammed

"Run!" Devin yells and surges lightning around his hands and I throw Kelly over my shoulder and take a step to run when a singular gunshot rings out into the air. The entire hallway goes silent and as if in slow motion, Beth falls to the ground, a hole in her forehead. When she hits the ground, blood trickles out of it from both the entrance and exit holes. Devin stares at her body then collapses to his knees tears forming in his eyes. All color drains from his eyes as his will to live leaves his body, and he meets eyes with me before being grabbed and dragged away by a couple guards. I slowly put Kelly down and raise my hands up in defeat as they take away the lifeless body of Beth.

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