Chapter 17- Plans Have Changed

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"What the hell!" you yelled, your wrists instantly going over your head after the ties tightened to their limit.

"Well.. finally the master's listened to me." A voice you truly hated stated,

You didn't turn back and only growled to yourself.

"Elf.. what is this about now?"

He grinned from behind you. No evil intention's hidden, all showed for the world to see.

"He's gotten impatient with you and Enki. He wants the boy back and his friends. He knows something isn't right about them. He wants to test some things" he explained, "In a week or so something is going to happen that'll free Enki. You have no more time to do whatever it is you were doing anymore."

You calmed yourself down quickly. Looks like waking them up one by one was too slow.. you had a feeling something like this would happen, which meant plan B was up. You had a plan A, B, C, and D ready and set to go from the beginning. This was no foil to your plans.

"Of course. As he should be, I should really appologize for disapointing my master. Lash me as many times as you see fit, second in command" you sighed, playing guilty.

His eye twitched at the slight mock of your tone before glaring.

"Oh don't you try it with me demon! I've known your plannings since the beginning! I know there's something else here! Bu-"

"But the master takes my word over yours because of the stupid contact. Yes, I know.. which is why I take adventage of it. I've only been loyal to a couple special contractees. The rest I've either slipped from or killed myself. Trust me when I say.. I was the wrong demon to call down for this plan of yours" you smirked, "and for the planning.. I'll ask you this. Just what do you think is my plan. Do you have all the details? ...I didn't think so"


"Sloth! Wrath and me have been waiting for a long time you know! On top of that you've skipped your meal time! You're probably hungry- wait, why's that look on your face" Lust asked, feeling a slight shiver of excitement roll up his spine.

Wrath looked up to see what he meant before he felt a smirk grow on his face. Putting down the book he was reading to keep himself entertained, he crossed his arms and waited for her response as well.

You had the same look on your face that you had right before satisfying a need for revenge, or just before accomplishing a plan of attack full on well. Eithey got them excited, because it meant some seriously fun action for the 7. Either it be a slow or fast plan of attack.

"Plans have changed~ I'll be calling a meeting with everyone right now in hell. I've got some things to discuss with you all."

They nodded before disapearing without a word. You flicked your wrist with a whispered incantation leaving behind three illusions before disapearing as well. Letting out a call for any of the seven to hear and listen to. Once they all showed up at the old partly destroyed building that used to be their base you smiled.

It's been a long time since all of you had been in one room all together at the same exact time.

"Sloth! What was so important to cut me through my teaching session!?" Gluttony asked, growling in annoyance.

You simply laughed,

"Because plan A has officially been thrown out the window and plan B is taking its place. Unless you think you know exactly what that plan is go ahead and walk on out"

She sighed, conceeding easily.

"We're going into rush mode now. No more waiting. We need to wake the rest of the curses up. Now I should say the new curse of Greed is excluded from this plan completely. His father is the only person allowed to wake him up. More on that later. You with me?" you asked,

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