Together we stand

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Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes as she carelessly drops the reports on the ground. Her heart was hurting. She felt sick to her stomach. Danzo was behind this. He was behind all of this, wasn't he? She vaguely remembers Itachi speaking to her the night of the massacre. He said something about defeating Danzo before things really went out of hand.

Y/N had to somehow remember this. She had a feeling that something was going to go wrong anytime soon. What should she remember? Everything here was proof that Danzo was behind everything. She needed a keynote...but what to write? 

Her eyes scanned the paper again and there she saw something she might remember. Quickly, Y/N grabs a kunai knife and pulls up her sleeve to begin to carve in the information.



Y/N glares at the man before her and attempted to escape his grasp. She didn't want his filthy hands touching her. 

"Let go!" Y/N growls, using her other hand to try and pull out another kunai knife. Luckily, Danzo had let her wrist go, making Y/N stumble back towards the desk, scattering the once neatly stacked papers fly everywhere in the room. 

The scene unfolded before the two, but neither spoke a word. 

"It was rather troublesome that you found my report all those years ago to the council. I was sure I got rid of them but alas, here they are." Danzo says. He takes a step forward and Y/N bumps into the desk again, moving it across the ground with a small scraping sound. She doesn't remove her eyes from his as her glare continued, never ceasing. 

"You monster," Y/N manages to say, her voice cracking a bit. "You did that to Murasaki and my manipulating bastard!" She holds onto the report tightly in her hand. "And somehow this report hid under the Hokage all this time! Just wait until I show him and you'll be exiled-"

"That won't happen," Danzo says calmly. "I'll just erase your memories like I did the first time when you were young. I can do it again in a heartbeat." His threats didn't phase Y/N as she stood her ground, no longer cowering over the man who caused her family pain. 

"So that's why I can't remember who I was before the massacre? Because you erased my memories?!" 

"That was the only logical situation I could follow to keep my place as one of the councils of the Leaf Village. I had to start that fire at the hospital to kill the people who were going to spoil my plans. I had no choice!" He takes another step forward towards Y/N and she pulls out a kunai knife, pointing it at him. 

"Don't move another muscle, bastard!" She shouts. "People like you don't deserve to live! You destroyed my family, corrupted everything I once had! You destroyed my memories and I can't remember anything! Why? Why me? Why did you hurt Murasaki and my mom?" Y/N's voice wavers in anger as she can feel her temper rising. "Why did you..." 

"To protect my village," Danzo says, his glare not disappearing. He then takes a step back and smiles evilly, nearly scaring Y/N. "And I'll make sure my village will be protected...starting with you."

He shows his clammy hand and pulls up his sleeve for Y/N to see. Her eyes widened in shock and her mouth fell open and then everything went black.


Hinata hums to herself as she finishes repairing the basket she made for Y/N. It was going to be perfect. The date she will be asking Y/N on. Even though she's in the hospital, Hinata wants Y/N to feel as comfortable as possible while recovering. 

(Complete✔)𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 ℙ𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕤𝕤 (Hinata Hyuga x fem! reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora