#4 * Athena X Nemesis

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My own idea


Athena x Nemesis

"I know you want to." Nemesis whispered in Athena's ear as she took her hand across her collarbone.

"I highly doubt you know what I want." Athena remarked.

"That so? Then why do I feel the need for revenge bubble up inside of you?" The goddess of revenge purred in her ear.

"Revenge is not my way." The daughter of Zeus pointed out.

"But even you aren't above it's natural call Mrs. Know-it-all."

"Don't call me that."

"Right." Nemesis said, stepping away from Athena and sitting on the desk with battle plans.

"Those poor men." She muttered, picking up one of the miniature figures that represented a bataljon of troops.

"All slaughtered like animals. And there is nothing you do to make it even. You lose all your soldiers and your opponent keeps theirs."

Athena scowled at the goddess on her desk. She hated that her mind was thinking about all the ways she could take revenge. She couldn't give in. She had to resist Nemesis' persuasive words and gestures.

"No. If I take revenge and kill their soldiers the way did mine they'll want revenge as well. It'll be a vicious, never ending circle." The wisdom goddess growled.

"Exactly." The goddess of revenge smirked.

"It's not so much about revenge Athena. It's about balance. Isn't that what you want?" She added.

She was good, the daughter of Zeus had to give her that. The way she twisted her words as if to justify the slaughter the wisdom goddess would commit if she went through with Nemesis' revenge plans.

'No, I have to resist.' She thought.

"Come on darling. If not for your soldiers, perhaps for me? Personally?" Nemesis continued.

"Don't ask me that. You know that's not fair." Athena said, a golden blush creeping on her cheeks.

"All is fair in love and war my dear." The goddess of revenge smirked.

"I highly doubt that." The daughter of Zeus muttered.

"As far as I know there are no written rules are there?"

The wisdom goddess sighed and gave in shaking her head. She was right, she could do what she pleased. No matter how much she hated it she knew Nemesis had her wrapped around her finger and it would only be a matter of time before she gave in.

"Then what do you suggest I do?" Athena asked.

"Take your men and let your enemy pay the price you payed. You lost a good 4000 men and a good 6000 were injured. Make them lose the same numbers." Nemesis explained as if even a little child could've figured it out.

"It's not that easy. It's not like I can't control how many live and die. And I will definitely lose more of my men by sending them into battle to slaughter the enemy. What do I do what those losses?"

The goddess of revenge raised a brow as if the thought had just occurred to her.

"You're a war goddess aren't you? Can't you decide how to do it and how many you kill?"

"Yes I am, but I'm not Tanathos. I don't decide when people die." Athena exclaimed.

"It's not that hard Ares does it." Nemesis pointed out.

The wisdom goddess scoffed. If course he would. He's Ares.

"I'm not him. I don't take a sword and hack away at the smallest thing that even remotely looks like a treat." She mumbled.

"And yet you have more blood on your hands than he does. You're loses and sacrifices are calculated. You know who died and you know who to send to die." The goddess of vengeance said.

This took Athena aback. Wait was this true? If it was it certainly wasn't on purpose. She cared for her soldiers. She knew which ones were qualified for certain jobs. She knew their strong points and their weaker points. Everything was planned out... Always...

"What is it dear? Surprised by your own actions?" Nemesis asked.

There was this certain gleam in her eyes. It was scary and dark, but also incredibly hot and seductive.

"Because I'm not. You do what is necessary. You're straight forward. I admire that." The revenge goddess said.

Athena wasn't sure whrether Nemesis really meant this or not. This could very well be one of her tricks to make her do her bidding. The wisdom goddess would know, she tended to use the same tricks on her father when she needed something.

Smooth talking that is of course. Seduction was off the charts for her.

"Oh come on Thena. All you have to do is give the order. Next thing you know justice has been served and balance returns." Nemesis said, getting up from the desk and walking up to Athena.

Next thing the daughter of Zeus knew the goddess sat on her lap.

"Will you at least consider the outcomes? I'm sure Nike would be eager to hand you a victory." The goddess of vengeance purred, taking Athena's chin between her fingers.

"Victory?" Athena muttered.

She was captivated by Nemesis eyes. They had an unnatural purple color, yet it was so deep and rich they seemed to swallow her whole.

"Yes. Victory. For you."

Nemesis knew she had won. All she had to do was mention victory. There was nothing else the wisdom goddess wanted more. Athena was hers to command now.

For some reason I always had this idea playing in my head that Nemesis would whisper her revenge plans in Athena's ear. And Athena, no matter how much she tries, is only an Olympian after all so she tends to give in every single time and gives Nemesis what she wants. Idk I don't really see them together as an actual couple more like Nemesis would sort of be her mistress from time to time if that makes sense??? Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed and as always requests and ideas can be left wherever you can reach me. Enjoy!


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