#28 * Athena x Hecate (part 2)

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Requested by Xyiuoo

Athena x Hecate (part 2)

Hecate's pov:

"Babe! Where did the dog go?!" I heard Athena's voice yell through my palace.

I jumped making more powder fall into my potion then I meant to, making it explode. I muttered an ancient Greek curse. This meant starting all over again.

"What do you mean where did the dog go?!" I yelled back.

I heard my girlfriend's steps as she ran up the stairs. Soon enough she stood in the doorway.

"I mean she's gone and I have no idea where she went." Athena responded.

By the dog she meant hellhound pup and by gone she probably meant shadow traveled out of her sight.

"You said you'd watch her, how am I supposed to know where she went?" I asked, wiping the exploded liquid from my face.

"Sorry." My girlfriend muttered.

I sighed and calmed my initial annoyance down. It's not her fault. Hellhound pups are a pain in the ass when they learn they can shadow travel.

I turned around towards her and walked up to her. I let my hands run up and down Athena's arms.

"No, I'm sorry. It's not your fault." I said, giving her an apologetic smile.

Athena gave me a small smile.

"Does that mean you're going to help me look for her?" She asked.

I cast a look over my shoulder, towards my work table that was full of the purple liquid that exploded.

"Yeah sure, I just finished anyway."

"So you'll use your magic?" Athena asked with a hopeful look in her eyes.

I smiled. She looked simply adorable.

"Yes, I will." I nodded, knowing it would make things a lot easier.

"Uh, babe? I think you should see this." Athena said from inside the cave.

I peaked around the edge and saw her standing still as a statue, her spear point hovering inches away from a wounded hellbound with a pup laying next to her.

I stepped into the cave, until I stood shoulder to shoulder with my girlfriend who lowered her spear.

"Now what?" She asked me.

"How should I know?" I wondered, not sure what she wanted me to do.

"You're the Chtonic deity, what do you do with wounded hell hounds and their pups?"

"That is strangely specific and not something I encounter everyday mind you."

Athena sighed.

"We can't just leave them here can we?" She asked, crouching down to examine the cut in the hellhound's chest.

"What do you think it was?" I asked almost silent.

Surely hellhound's were monsters, but seeing one bleed out in front of me hurt me more than I could've imagined.

"Probably a sword. It's a clean and straight cut. A spear would've pierced her and a knife wouldn't make such a large cut." My girlfriend responded, sounding deep in thought.

"Do you think it was a demigod?"

"Most likely. Hellhounds don't attack gods and mortals don't usually carry swords."

I looked at the pup that was trying to lift their mom's head with their nose.

I felt bad for the pup, watching it struggle to keep its mom awake.

"She should be near." I said, sensing Anaya close by.

"Anaya!" Athena called out.

We were walking around in the dark woods. Above us Artemis and her moon chariot were crossing the sky.

"Anayaaa!" I yelled, joining in.

For a while we walked around calling for the pup. Until at some point my girlfriend was pushed forward, face first into the ground. When I snapped my head to the side I saw Anaya standing on Athena's back, licking her.

I tried my best to hide the chuckle rising in the back of my throat, but I didn't succeed.

Athena rose her head with a grumble and a scowl in my direction.

"I'm alright, thanks for asking." She muttered.

Anaya barked at her, jumping up and down on my girlfriend's back, making more groans escape.

"Anaya, here girl." I said in an attempt to get her off of Athena.

The hellhound pup looked at me and seemed to taunt me. I called for her again, to which Anaya tilted her head.

"Come here." I tried one last time, stressing my words.

Anaya gave a happy bark and jumped over to me, tail wagging behind her.

"Good girl." I praised, smiling wide and crouching down to pet her.

"Agree to disagree." Athena said, sitting up and holding her head.

"You okay babe?"

"Been better, but I'll live." She grinned, seeing Anaya push her head into my chest for more attention.

"So what do we do now?" Athena asked, holding the little hellhound pup in her arms.

The mom had officially past away. She'd reform soon enough, but until then, the pup was on it's own. It had seemed to take a liking to my girlfriend as soon as she had put her spear away.

"I don't know." I replied honeslty.

"We can't just leave them here." My girlfriend stated, petting the pup's head.

"We can't take them with us either. We're grabbing some firewater for Artemis remember? We've already wasted too much time."

Athena's eyes clouded over as she seemed to remember the whole reason why we were here. Then her face hardened, the way it always did when she had made up her mind and I wasn't going to like it.

"The pup is coming with us."

"What?" I asked.

"Indiretcly it's our fault their mom died. I'm not letting them stay here alone." Athena said.

"Oh, so you're going to take in every monster now?" I questioned.

"No, but this one I can help. So I will."

I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't deny her or the pup.

"Fine, but you're the one making sure it isn't getting in the way of our little quest." I said.

"Yes ma'am." Athena grinned, with the pup in her lap.


Dear Xyiuoo

Here we are my friend. You asked for this one a while ago. Athena x Hecate 2.0? Your request, my command ;)
I hope you like it. Happy reading! Feel free to ask for more if you have any other ideas. Hopefully I'll see you soon :))

- Athena

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