#8 * Athena X Hera

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Wild suggestion from VeerleVerhulst VeerleVerhulst


Athena x Hera

Hera would never admit it to anyone but Athena was captivating.

She was standing in the middle of the council room, explaining something that involved a map and complicated strategies.

The wisdom goddess was wearing her armor. As if she'd been in the middle of a battle and just popped in real quick for a council meeting.

To be honest that's most likely how it was. The queen of heaven found she didn't really mind. Somehow it suited her better than any dress would. It seemed to fuel to Athena's strong aura of power. As if the armor itself radiated a bunch of energy. And to top it all off Aegis as a cape around her shoulders.

When did the wisdom goddess become so interesting? Or was this Hera just going mad because of the lack of attention she got from her husband.

Yes, it must've been the latter. There was no way she, Queen of the heavens' took a liking to Athena of all the gods on Olympus. It just wasn't possible.

And yet, seeing her explain her plans with a twinkle in her eye, Hera couldn't help but lose her mind. Those stormy grey eyes that always swirled like the sky on a rainy or stormy day.

The queen had always liked thunderstorms. Hell, she was married to the guy who created them. Maybe that's why she liked Athena's eyes so much, because they were practically identical to a thundersky.

But it's not just the eyes that were distracting. It was her entire physique really. Athena was rather tall. She had toned skin and muscles that revieled her status as war goddess. Dark brown hair that was braided and placed over her shoulder. The occasional scar, that probably would be gone by tomorrow. Maybe even replaced by the next.

"So I suggest we move south and hope they don't follow." Athena finished.

"Hope?" Zeus grumbled.

Hope didn't suit the wisdom goddess. Everything is always planned out with her. Hope didn't usually appear in her sentences unless they were positive.

"And if they do follow?" Artemis asked, ever a realist.

"Then I hope my men know a prayer to Eleos..." Athena's grey eyes fell as her heavy words remained in the air.

Hera wanted nothing more than to get up out of her throne and go hug the wisdom goddess. She seemed like she could use it. Her soldiers meant a lot to her and seeing them in pain clearly took a toll on her.

But all the queen of heaven could do was sit and watch. However it became increasingly harder when Athena looked up at her and straight in the eye.

Hera assumed she just needed someone she could fall back on. Someone who'd give her an encouraging smile and tell her that everything would be alright.

The goddess of marriage wanted to be that someone to her. But she knew that the wisdom goddess might not accept the help she was willing to offer. Their relationship hadn't been the best over the centuries and even though it had improved it might not yet be the right moment.

Which only made it more infuriating that this sudden spark of desire inside of Hera had been lit. Was Eros looking to create new opportunities?

Whatever the cause it had to stop. She couldn't have this now. Not ever really, but now was exceptionally bad. Both the queen of Heaven and the wisdom goddess had enough on their hands in the current battle, they really didn't need to add desire to the mix.

'And yet-' Hera thought.

'It would make things so much more interesting.'
Hi mom

Welcome back to the crazy world where I spend most of my free time. Happy to see you enjoy yourself here. Now this chapter is wild and all over the place. Talk about a writing challenge. But none the less I loved every second. Thank you for your (crazy?!) suggestions. I love you!

- Athena

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