Chapter 1

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Harry POV:

"He's covered in blood again. Why is it he's always covered in blood?"

I walk down the hall, furiously trying to get rid of my bloody nose. I sit down next to Hermione, grabbing a napkin and wiping my nose of blood.

"What happened?" Hermione asks, looking terrified.

"Draco is what happened," I mutter.

"That little b- git," Ron exclaims, trying to cover the fact that he almost swore.

"Personally, I would have freaked out too. I was spying on him," I explain.

"You were? What's gotten into you, mate? You're obsessed with him at this point," Ron notes. It's true. I have been more obsessed with him. 

"I don't really know. I just- think that there's something up with him. He's been wearing more long sleeved clothes, do you think he's hiding something?"

"Maybe. But Harry, you really should be more careful. What if you get more injured?" Hermione points out.

"Ah. Well, I'm not going to let him off the hook, but I guess I'll be more careful," I say.

Hermione smiles at me before turning to Ginny and Ron, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I haven't said this to anyone, but I feel the reason that I've started spying on him, is that, well, it hurts me to say this, but I'm worried for him. Ever since the end of fifth year, he seems He hasn't even been bullying me much anymore. 

I look over at the Slytherin table, trying to find Draco. I spot him talking to Pansy Parkinson, looking very glum. Looks like someone doesn't like their date. Suddenly, Draco's eyes meet mine, before turning away quickly, his face turning pink. Did he- did he just blush at me? Why? It's not like he likes me, anyways. He literally kicked my nose a while ago. Huh, maybe he's just embarrassed about something.

Dumbledore then says his speech, and allows us to go to our dormitories. I watch Hermione and Ron round up the first years, but I hang back, because I see Draco coming towards me. "What do you want, Draco?"

"Ah, I'm just sorry that, well, I kicked your nose. Did anyone say anything about it?" I can't believe it, Draco saying sorry?

"Oh, they asked, and I answered. I think they're planning murders against you at this point," I reply, smiling. Draco smiles, before stopping. "Well, I'll be going," Draco suddenly says, running in the direction of the dungeons. I blink. What just happened? I shake my head violently, before going towards Ron. "Hey, Draco just acted very odd to me. Like- he was being nice for once."

"Woah, that's quite an achievement! What do you think's up with him?"

"I don't know, I just hope that he doesn't get into another mess," I say.

"I didn't know you cared about Malfoy," Ron says, clearly taken aback at what I said.

"I don't really, I just..." I trail off, thinking about him.

"You ok, mate? You've acted very odd today," Ron asks. I think for a moment, mentally slapping myself in the head. Yeah, what is wrong with me today? Why am I acting like he's so important all of a sudden. Then I think my most outlandish thought.

Do I like Draco? Is that why he's so important to me all of a sudden?

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