Chapter 20

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Draco POV:

"Harry Potter is dead!"

I gasp, seeing Harry, limp in Hagrid's arms. At once, my eyes fill with tears. I thought he could do it. I thought he could succeed. He was our only hope. I could've helped him, and now it's too late.

"And now it's time for you to join us!" You-Know-Who says. There is silence, broken by my dad.


Everyone looks at me, but I don't come forward. He's the person who's roped us into this mess, and I'm not joining. That is, until my mom pipes up.

"Draco," She says. A lump in my throat, I sigh and join my mom. We walk to the Dark lord's side, when I spot something near Harry and Hagrid. My wand. Well, it used to be my wand. It's Harry's now, but I guess I could keep it for now. I pick up the wand and pocket it, tears falling down my cheeks. I tune out for a while, thinking of Harry, until I hear Neville Longbottom's voice.

"People die every day!" He shouts. "Friends, family...yeah, we've lost Harry tonight, but it's not over!"

I watch Neville grab a sword out of a hat, and that's when I see it. Harry moved! I gasp, and make a run for it, ignoring my parents. Harry rolls to the ground and stands up, feeling his pockets for his wand. Then I realize it. I have his wand. I run over to him.

"Potter!" I cry, throwing him his wand, and Harry catches it. I don't care that people are looking at me strangely, I'm just happy that I did the right thing.

Suddenly, the air is filled with flashes of light. I grab my own wand and start fighting, but i don't fight with Bellatrix, Lucius, and the other death eaters. Instead, I fight against them. I fire a stunning jinx at Yaxley, running for Harry, but a death eater is in my way, hood covering it's face. I cast a stunning spell at him, but he blocks it. Then, I remember a neat little spell Harry showed me once.

"SECTUMSEMPRA!" I yell, and a huge bloody gash appears in the death eater's body. It falls to the ground, in pain, and I let out a cry of triumph. Fighting for Hogwarts, I continue to fight death eaters, until I see Harry with You-Know-Who, circling each other. I freeze in terror, watching them.

"Avada Kedavra!"


The spells meet each other, but You-Know-Who's killing curse rebounds and hits him instead. I watch him fall to the ground, wand flying out of his hand. Harry catches it, watching hopefully. You-Know-Who slams the ground, finally defeated. 

A moment of silence happens, before everyone shouts in joy. I try to reach Harry, but everyone else is around him, cheering for him, Harry in the center, just plainly happy. He hugs Ron and Hermione, cheers with Neville, Luna, and Ginny, celebrates with his Professors and schoolmates, when he sees me, a tear in his eye.

"D-Draco!" he says hoarsely. I smile.

"Harry," I say.

Suddenly, Harry runs towards me at full speed and we pull in an embrace, laughing.

"I'm so glad you're alive," he says, before kissing me, a long, passionate, kiss. People stare at us, but we don't care. We just kiss, and kiss, and when we finally break apart, I see that Harry is crying.

"Y-You're crying," I say nervously. "Am I that bad of a kisser?"

"Of course not," Harry answers, and we just stand there awhile, wrapped around each other. Harry leans on my shoulder, when I hear cheers from around us. We look around to see Harry' friends, my friends, professors, everyone around us, cheering for us. We laugh and get swept in the crowd. Suddenly, I'm with Hermione, Ron and Ginny, Harry still next to me.

"We didn't know!" Hermione squeals.

"I did. Luna did too. He was just too nervous to say so," Ron shrugs. Everyone looks at Ron, who suddenly looks very guilty. "Am I in trouble for this?" He asks.

"Of course not. Congrats, Harry and Draco!" Ginny says.

"Thanks," I say, wiping dirt off my face. Ginny, Hermione and Ron run off to greet other people, just leaving me and Harry together. Harry smiles and turns to me.

"It's been a wild ride, hasn't it?"

"Yeah, but none of it was as great as you."

Harry blushes.

"I love you so much, do you know that?"

Suddenly, I think of all our history together. How has enemies who've loathed each other turned into this? I don't know, to be honest, but I love it. I love Harry.

"Of course I do."

Malfoy and Potter (A Drarry fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang