Chapter 18

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Draco POV:

This year has gone by really fast. It's Christmas night now! Harry and I have sent many letters to each other, and it's a miracle no one else knows. I told Harry all of You-Know-Who's plans, and he's told me about his adventures with Ron and Hermione. It's like he's still there, cheerful and brave as always.

I flip through the newspaper, when I see Dumbledore. I feel a stab of emotional pain almost immediately. It's just that Dumbledore's made Hogwarts, well, Hogwarts. He's what made it living there worth it. I remember all those times during Christmas when Dumbledore and the other Professors would decorate the great hall with Christmas trees and everything. It was magical, even if I would only see it, as I would be going away during Christmas. Of course, Professor Snape is the headmaster now, and from what I've been hearing, it hasn't been great. Pansy keeps sending me letters complaining about it.

"I didn't know you were so interested in the newspaper," My mom says, walking through the door to my room. "You look stressed. Do you want a break from this? You can go somewhere. Godric's Hollow, maybe?"

I perk up. "Godric's hollow sounds nice. I could use a break."

"Good. You can go, but you have to come back at 12 o' clock."

"Sure," I say, and I walk towards my fireplace, grabbing the floo powder, "Godric's Hollow!"

I spin round and round, watching the green flames spin with me, and suddenly, I spin out of sight and into Godric's hollow. I look at the clock. 10 o' clock. I have two hours ahead of me. What should I do here? I walk around for a while, looking at various houses and shops, when I hear the sound of people singing, and I go towards them. Their voices lead me to a place that smells like hot chocolate. I go inside and see a bunch of tables and chairs lined up together. 

I recognize a few people here. I see Amos Diggory, Cedric's father, Oliver Wood with some of his teammates, who play for Puddlemere United, and a figure that looks like Pansy's mother. My eyes shift back and forth, finally looking at the last table, which is empty, except for...Ron Weasley?


Ron turns around, sees me, and immediately takes out his wand. "Wait! No! I won't attack you, I promise!" I plead, but Ron doesn't lower his wand. 

"What do you want?" Ron asks. Yeah, Draco, what are you doing here?

"I'm getting a little bored in my house, so I decided to come here," I answer.

"Bored of what? Having You-Know-Who in your house?"

"Yeah, I guess," I mutter, and to my surprise, Ron lowers his wand. "Can I sit here?"

"Sure. They have the best hot chocolate here."

I walk over to a table with a man at the counter, loads of hot chocolate at his side. "You want some hot chocolate?"

"Yes, please," I answer nervously, aware of Ron watching me. I pay him and take my hot chocolate over to Ron, who eyes me suspiciously.

"You know, Draco, you aren't like the same Draco I knew a year ago. You're a lot nicer now."

"Well- Er- I guess people change," I say, thinking of my behavior over the past few weeks. Yeah, I have been a lot nicer. Wonder why that is... Suddenly, I notice something. "Ron, why are you here by yourself. Shouldn't you be, like, you know, being with Harry and Hermione? Saving the world and everything?"

Ron's expression turns a little stony. "Well, I kinda got into a fight with them, and now I'm here, living the dream."

"Ah, well, you should apologize," I say, shrugging.

"Have you seen Hermione? She's a nightmare when she gets angry. If I get back there, let's just say that I'll be lucky to have all my limbs on after."

We laugh, before I say, "How have you been? Have you guys been busy lately?"

"Well, we've been at the ministry, trying to get a locket, and then we spent a while in the fo- what are you looking at?" Ron asks, seeing me look outside.

"I think I saw something," I say, walking outside. I see two figures that I can't quite make out, but I see one of them wave at me. I gasp. Maybe it's Harry and Hermione! I tell Ron to look outside, but they're gone.

"Ah, well, I thought I saw them," I say, before looking at a clock and holding out my hand. "Listen, it's nearly 12, I have to go. It was nice meeting you here."

Ron looks at me, puzzled, before shaking my hand.

"It was nice meeting you too. Maybe you aren't as bad as I thought."

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