Chapter 6

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I promised that I wouldn't do it. I promised that I wouldn't do it.

This plays in my head like a radio, playing the same thought over and over. Still, the instinct to grab my knife is like an itch, only that it never goes away. I let out a groan of fury. What, you're following through what Potter said? You're so pathetic. And you're crying now? What happened to you? It's like you're an entirely different person now, it's disgusting. I gasp, realizing that, yeah, I am crying. I hastily try to wipe away the tears, not realizing where I'm going, but they won't stop coming. I stop suddenly, in front of a balcony. I look reluctantly at the balcony wondering if I should do it...

"Malfoy?" A certain boy asks me.

"Get away from me, Potter," I say, trying to keep my voice steady, glaring at him like I always do, except this time, I don't feel hate at him. Instead, I feel...annoyed? Jealous? Maybe even...hopeful?

"Wh- are you crying?" Harry says softly, and I stop glaring at him. As much as I would like to torment Harry, I just can't bring myself to do it. So instead, I try to deny it.

"No I'm not," I say flatly.

"Yes you are!" Harry exclaims, "And why are you in front of the astronomy tower? Are you trying to..." he stops, hopeful for my answer.

"No. I just...ended up here, I guess," Although my answer is true, I can't help feeling that if I could, I would've ended up here.

"Draco...please," Harry says, barely louder than a whisper. I try to say something, anything at him, but instead, I just...cave. I collapse in tears, sliding down the wall. This is so unlike me, it wouldn't take a genius to explain Harry's confusion.

"What happened?" Yeah, what happened? First you're tasked with murder, now you're collapsing in front of famous Harry Potter.

"I just- don't know," I answer truthfully.

"Well, I don't know what happened," Harry says, crouching down with me, "but you should know that you are stronger than you think you are. Don't let anyone else think otherwise. You are strong, Draco. I know you are. Please." Dang, those words hit harder than a ton of bricks. I wipe my tears, looking at Harry's concerned face. I try to thank him or something, but instead I ask something.

"Why do you care about me so much? It's not like I treated you good or anything."

"I just-" Harry starts, before stopping himself, contemplating why he's helping me. "Because I care, Draco." I stare at Harry, fixing my eyes firmly on his bright green eyes, and I feel my neck get red. It's just that I've never felt like this before. I mean, sure, I had Pansy, but now that I think of it, it feels like she was just using me...

"Thanks, Harry. You probably shouldn't know this, but I care too. About you, I mean," I say, the words coming out of my mouth before I can think about them. "And...I'm sorry, Harry. For...everything, I guess."

Harry smiles. "It's fine. I forgive you. Come on." He holds out his hand, and I take it reluctantly, and he pulls me up. I probably look bright red, but Harry doesn't care, for his eyes are looking at something behind me. "I thought you weren't going to hurt yourself anymore!" He exclaims, looking at my knife in my bag.

"Oh, I haven't used it since that day in the bathroom. But I guess I should get rid of it," I say, before thinking about it. I'm probably going to have to use this knife at one point or another, because there will probably be a day where I'll just cave in to hurting myself.

"You should. Friends?" Harry says, and I hesitate, thinking of my past. This one guy, this guy who I downright bullied and hated, this one guy who stuck up for his friends while I stuck up for mine, this one guy that was supposedly saving the world, this one guy who hates my guts, is asking me to be his friend. And holy crap. Am I just going to ignore everything he's done? And is he going to do the same for me?

Am I really going to do this?


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