Chapter 19

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Harry POV:

"Oh, hey, Harry, I forgot to ask you something," Ron asks me in shell cottage. 

I shrug. "Go for it."

"Remember all the way back in December when I wasn't here?"

"Yeah, what happened?" I ask.

"Well, I saw Draco Malfoy. He was acting very strange," Ron says halfheartedly. I wave a hand at him to signal him to keep going. "By strange, he's been a lot nicer."

"What do you mean?" I say.

"He's very polite now. He says please and thank you and is not trying to be a load of crap anymore. What d'you think happened to him?"

"I don't know, people can change," I answer.

"That's what Draco said."

"Really? Huh, we must be thinking the same or something," I say.

"Do you think he's trying to make more friends or something?" 


"I think it's kinda weird. We talked for a little, and Draco saw you and Hermione outside. At least, he thought you did," Ron says.

"That was actually him? Draco, I mean?" I ask, thinking of the blonde boy I waved to that so resembled Draco.

"Yeah, that was him. Didn't you like- wave to him or something?" Ron says, narrowing his eyes.

"Yeah, why?"

"Harry, I have to ask you something. I've been thinking about this for a while."

I gulp nervously. "Sure, go ahead."

"Do you like Draco?"

The question throws me off guard. How did he know? What should I say? What should I do? 

"Well- I- Er-" I stutter, before a voice pipes up.

"Yeah, he does," The dreamy voice of Luna Lovegood says.

"Luna!" I yelp.

"What? You shouldn't lie to your best friend, you know. It would make you a bad friend, right?"

"He's right," Ron says a little angrily. I sigh.

"Yeah, I do like him," I say. 

At first, Ron looks at me like I just said them most absurd thing ever.

"You like Draco? What's kinda- kinda-"

"Kinda weird, considering that I used to hate his guts?" I suggest. Ron nods.

"Why haven't you told me?"

"Ok, what would you do if your friend's enemy was your friend all of a sudden? Would you immediately tell everyone that hates him? Yeah, I thought so."

"Ok, Ok, you have a point there," Ron says, "But still! How long have you been friends?"

"Oh, since like- the middle of 6th year?" I guess.

"So is that why you ran to Draco when Pansy said he got poisoned?"

"Yeah, I guess," I shrug. I expect Ron to look annoyed, but he smiles. 

"I'm glad you told me."

"Yeah, same. That's one other person that knows!" I exclaim.

"Wait, shouldn't you like- tell everyone else?"

"He should, but I think he's too embarrassed to say so," Luna says. As always, Luna has decided to say the most uncomfortable thing she could've said.

"Yeah, I guess she's right. And- Ron? I'm sorry for not telling you."

We sit in silence for a while, Ron thinking.

"It's ok. Please don't tell anyone else."

"I won't."

I smile, and Ron smiles back. Suddenly, I hear a flapping of wings. "Pigwidgeon! She's back again!" I exclaim, grabbing the letter. My eyes light up when I see that it's addressed to Draco Malfoy.

"Huh, this is like- the tenth time that Ginny sent you a letter. She must love writing to you."

Oh yeah, Ron doesn't know that I've been writing to Draco. Oh well.

"Yeah, she does."

I run upstairs and open my letter.

Dear Harry,

How are you? I'm glad you've disapparated with Dobby. I'm so sorry about how my family hurt you and your friends. I didn't realize how many people they've trapped. And Hermione, I'm so sorry about her. Is she ok? She seemed so scared Bellatrix interrogated her. If you don't know what happened, I'll tell you now.

Bellatrix started asking Hermione where she got your sword from, because she's supposed to have it in her vault, and she also started asking her over and over again about what else you got from her vault. I bet you that one of the things you need in her vault, because I've never seen her so desperate for an answer before. And then, Harry, she used her wand cut her in the word "mudblood". Please ask her if she's ok.

I hope you're doing fine. I love you. Please, Harry, defeat You-Know-Who. I can't bear to see more people end up like Hermione.


"Hermione! Hermione!" I cry as I finish the letter. Hermione comes to me, confused.

"What is it, Harry?"

"Show me your arm," I say desperately. Hermione looks confused, but pulls up her sleeve. There, in a faint scar, is the word "mudblood". 

"Oh god, Hermione," I say, showing her the scars. Hermione looks at it and gasps.

"How did this happen to me?! It hurts so much! Is this why my arm's been hurting for the past few days? How did I not notice this?" Hermione breaks out into questions, trying to rub it off. 

"Hermione," I say calmly, and Hermione stops rubbing to look at me. To my surprise, her eyes are filled with tears. "Hermione, Bellatrix did this to you. And I want to say something. I'm so sorry, Hermione. You don't deserve this."

I gulp, before looking at her intently.

"And Hermione, Draco is so, so sorry."

Malfoy and Potter (A Drarry fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora