Chapter 14

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Draco POV:


I feel a sharp stab, and I fall to the ground, groaning in pain. Only then do I see who I attacked clearly. Harry Potter. I attacked Harry Potter. My heart drops, looking at him wildly. I try to tell him that I'm sorry, but I can barely breath, let alone say a word. I let more tears slide down my cheeks, and with a great effort, I take another breath and....darkness.

I wake up in the hospital wing for the second time this year, but his time there's no one there, expect Madam Pomfrey, looking worried as usual. "Looks like someone cast the sectumsempra on you, dear, but Professor Snape helped. Of course, you still need more help, but it's a miracle you aren't dead yet. This is the second time you've been here, with a fatal injury."

"Where's Harry?" The words are out of my mouth before I realize it. I look around frantically, but to my relief, no on else is with me. 

"Do you want me to send someone to grab him?"

"Yes, please," I plead. Madam Pomfrey walks out the room, leaving me to my thoughts. I'm so stupid. What was I thinking, almost putting the cruciatus curse on my boyfriend? I feel my stomach drop, thinking of how angry Harry would be, when I see Harry himself walk into the room briskly. "H-Harry!" I say weakly, forming an apology in my head, and to my surprise, Harry's eyes fill with tears. "A-Are you ok?" I ask.

"Yes, just happy that you're alive," Harry says happily, before looking at me sadly, "Draco, I'm so sorry. I almost killed you!"

"It's fine, I have to apologize too. I was about to put the cruciatus curse on you. I hope you can forgive me, Harry. I couldn't see anything, so I-"

"No, no, it's fine. I should be apologizing," Harry says. We laugh, and I wave an airy hand.

"I forgive you. I hope you forgive me."

"I do, don't worry," Harry says, before looking at me seriously. "We have to talk."

I gulp before he continues. "I've been thinking about this for a while, Malfoy. I think you tried to poison Katie Bell and Ron." 

 How did he know? My mind races, searching for an answer. On one hand, Harry could break up with me because I tried poisoned Ron, but on the other hand, lying is probably a lot worse. I finally sigh and scratch my arm. "Yes, I did." 

 Harry's expression wants me to grab my knife, but I don't. I just crouch in a corner of the closet, sighing. "You actually tried to poison my best mate? What are you playing at?" 

"I wasn't trying to poison him..." 

"Then who?" 

 My eyes widen, realizing what I'm about to say. I think through my wording for a moment, before replying with, "Dumbledore." 

 "What? Why?" Harry says, looking aghast. 

 "S-" I can't get the words out. Keep in mind, I'm about to tell Voldemort's plan to Harry himself. Him knowing would completely change the name of the game. But I really don't want Dumbledore to go, so.....

"Snape s-sent me a mission to kill Dumbledore," I say, closing my eyes tightly. There's a deathly silence between us, but I don't open my eyes at all.

"Tell me more," Harry says, in almost a whisper. So I do. I tell him, with a shaky voice, about Voldemort's plan, about Professor Snape, everything. Well, I skip the part about the vanishing cabinets, but that's it. I tell him about everything else, without even opening my eyes. Finally, with a huge effort, I open my eyes and let my tears take over. I tear falls slowly down my cheek, but I suppress the urge to just deteriorate into sobs.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Harry asks softly."

If anyone-anyone- finds out that I told You-Know-Who's plan, I'll probably be killed. Everyone's going to be so mad at me...."I can't help myself anymore. I let out a sob and I bury my head in my hands. I feel a light tapping on my shoulder, and I look up at Harry. He wipes my tears off, and smiles.

"Don't worry, Draco. Don't worry at all. Look on the bright side. You've just helped. Don't you think that Hogwarts is the first real home you've been in? If you kill Dumbledore, Hogwarts will not be the same. But if you help us, you'll be happier. Please, Draco. Trust me."

Trust me. Huh, that's a funny couple of words. Harry could be completely lying right now. He could have some evil plan and I would regret everything. But I don't care. Because I trust him too. 

"Ok, Harry, ok." 

 Harry's smile lights up his whole face, and I can't help it. I smile too, and Harry kisses me. He kisses me so thoroughly, I completely forget all my problems. I forget about Voldemort, about my mom and dad, about Professor Snape, about Professor Dumbledore....

All my troubles are gone when I'm with Harry.

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