Chapter 12

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Draco POV:

I wake up to see blurry faces staring at me. I blink rapidly, and everything comes into focus. I see Pansy, white in the face, Crabbe and Goyle, smiling when I wake up, and Madam Pomfrey. My heart drops when I don't see Harry. Pansy, on the other hand, is delighted.

"You're awake, Draco! I was beginning to think that you were going to die..."

My eyes widen, realizing what just happened. I look down at my hands, relived to see no black spots on them. "Who saved me? I don't remember much, just feeling someone stuff a bezoar down my throat."

"Oh," Pansy narrows her eyes, "I think it was the Potter boy? Acting heroic, as always."

My heart beats quicker as I say, "Where is he?"

"Oh, over there. Apparently the illness you got was very contagious, and he got it too when I came back and was passed out. I think he had it worse because he gave you a bezoar but didn't think to give himself one. I grabbed Madam Pomfrey, and here you are now."

"Thanks," I say weakly, before Madam Pomfrey looks at a clock, and rushes everyone out, leaving me alone. I sit there for a while, before hearing a soft groan next to me. I look to my left and see Harry sprawled out on a bed next to me. He rubs his eyes, and narrows his eyes at me before putting on his glasses. "Draco! You're alive!"

"Why are you worrying about me? You almost died! I got off easier, since you gave me the bezoar, and- Harry, are you alright?" I ask suddenly, for Harry gave another groan and slammed himself back on the bed.

" head hurts though..."

"Here!" I exclaim, spotting some medicine for headaches and giving it to him, "drink it!"

Harry nods and drinks the medicine, before sitting back up. "Wow, I feel so much better. Thanks."

"I-It was nothing," I say timidly, and we both grin. "What was the illness we caught, just out of curiosity?"

Harry thinks for a moment, before shrugging. "I don't know. I don't think it's an illness, though, because I was able to ease whatever it was with a bezoar, which are supposed to be to cure poisons, not illnesses. D'you think someone poisoned me?"

"If you're right, I do have a few suggestions..." I trail off, thinking of the possible people that could've poisoned me. 

"Well, who would poison you?" Harry asks. 

"A lot of people. Everyone hates me, right?"

"True. We should find out sooner or later, anyways," Harry says, shrugging. We sit in silence, not saying anything when hear someone open the door. Luna and Hemione walks over to both of us, looking aghast.

"Ron couldn't come, he had Quidditch practice, sorry," Luna says, and Hemione nods at Harry. I turn the other way, hearing their conversation while I try to think of people who could've poisoned me. There's a lot of people, but the one that stands out the most. Pansy. I think she's getting annoyed over the fact that I spend less and less time with her now, not to mention the fact that she was reading a potions book the day before...

I turn back to Harry, seeing that Luna and Hermione have left, and my heart quickens as I see Pansy walk through the door. Before she gets a word out, I start to confront her.

"I know it was you. I know you poisoned me."

Pansy looks shocked, before something seems to click in her mind. Sneering, she shrugs and says, "That poison wasn't for you. I put  it on a book to give to someone."

I think back to all the books I've been through over yesterday. Most Potente Potions...My transfiguration book.....Harry's potions book....That's it!

"You- you were trying to poison Harry!" I cry, glaring at Pansy. Pansy breaks into a grin.

"That's right. You can't do much about it, anyways. The damage is already done," Pansy sneers with a greedy glint in her eyes.

"This is just evil, Pansy. Even I wouldn't do that," I say, before smiling myself, "I'm going to put my foot down, Pansy. I've been meaning to say this for a while now. We're breaking up."

The effect is amazing. Pansy's smile turns into a face of shock. "W-What?" She yelps, "You can't do that! I thought you loved me!"

Harry chuckles as I say, "Of course I can do that."

Pansy lets out another cry of shock and scurries away. Harry stares at me, his expression unreadable. I smile knowingly at Harry, and I watch him break into a grin. 

It's official. We are official boyfriends.

Malfoy and Potter (A Drarry fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum