Chapter 16

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Draco POV:

Dear Draco,

I don't have another owl besides Hedwig, so I'm going to have to send her and hopefully no one recognizes it. How are you? It's been a pretty short summer. I'm turning 17 soon! I'll be able to do magic outside of school, which will be pretty nice. I won't have someone from the ministry of magic tracking my every move.

I forgot to ask you this, so I'll ask it now. Do you know anyone with the initials R.A.B? He put a tiny letter inside of the locket I showed you on Hogwarts Express, saying that he would destroy the locket as soon as he can. If you know any R.A.B, please tell me.

Can you also tell me what Voldemort's up to? It's crucial that I know what's he's doing, otherwise they might be a few steps ahead of me. 

Oh, and one other thing. I sent a letter to Professor Lupin the other day, asking if you can be part of the Order of the Phoenix, but he replied saying that you couldn't be trusted. I sent another letter to him yesterday telling him that you'd always be able to trust Draco, but I haven't gotten a reply from him yet. For now, though, you aren't as trusted by everyone yet.

Miss you,

Harry Potter

My heart lifts. I'm asked to be part of the Order of the Phoenix! Of course, I'm probably not going to join any time soon, but the very thought of being part of something is just...nice. Like I actually belong. It's been weird, these past few weeks, because even though I don't like being a death eater, everyone else likes it. They've been asking me to do certain tasks, and I hate it, so I've been wearing my death eater mask at all times so that no one knows that I did the tasks. 

I grab a piece of parchment and quill, and run to my desk, thinking of a letter idea. Finally, I start writing.

Dear Harry,

I'm sending Hedwig back to you. Professor Snape told everyone in a meeting when you'd be moving to a safe house, so be careful of that. You-Know-Who is also finding a wand so that he can properly kill you. Be careful, Harry. I don't want you dead!

I also want to point out that You-Know-Who has a snake. Have you heard of it? Calls it Nagini, and she's ruthless. If you ever encounter a snake, you should probably run, because it might be Nagini, and from what I've seen, she-

I stop my writing, as my dad and mom comes in the room. Seeing the letter, he narrow's his eyes at me. "Who're you sending a letter to?"

"N-No one, dad," I say, quickly hiding Harry's letter and turning pink.

"Let me see that," dad says, and attempts to grab my letter, but to my surprise, my mom grabs it first. 

"Let me talk to him. You should get going," she says, and my eyes widen. My mom defending me? This is weird. I watch my dad narrow his eyes at me, before walking away, leaving us alone. My mom reads the letter, and I shut my eyes, bracing for the worst.

"Why are you flinching?" mom asks me. My eyes open.

"O-Oh, I thought you would hit me or something."

"Goodness gracious, no. Did I ever tell you? At the core of every Slytherin, there is a desire to get what you want, whatever it takes. Take You-Know-Who for example. He's doing everything he can to be immortal, which includes drinking unicorn blood, trying to take the philosopher's stone, everything. Your dad wants power so desperately, and he'll even join You-Know-Who's side just to get what he wants. They'll do anything."

"Me, on the other hand, only has one deep desire, to protect you. There's a reason why I agreed to join You-Know-Who's side, to protect you. Although it might not be the best choice for you, it fills my desire. I would never hurt you, Draco. Your dad might, but I would never."

I smile, and my mom returns it. She gives the letter back to me, and says, "And there's nothing wrong with having a crush. To be honest, I don't really care the The Chosen One is your crush. It only matters to your dad."

I gasp inwardly at this. My mom, of all people, allowing this? I watch her hug me, and walk out the room, leaving me alone. It takes me a while before I snap out of it, and finish my letter.

I also want to point out that You-Know-Who has a snake. Have you heard of it? Calls it Nagini, and she's ruthless. If you ever encounter a snake, you should probably run, because it might be Nagini, and from what I've seen, she eats humans for a living. You-Know-Who is also very protective of her, maybe it's one of the things you're looking for? I don't really know, I just want to point out anything I feel is out of the ordinary. 

 -Draco Malfoy

I look at the letter, before adding a few words.

I miss you.

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