Chapter 10

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Draco POV:

I guess going out with your past enemy is harder than I thought. We both agreed to keep making our relationship a secret to everyone else, which poses a number of problems. For one, I have absolutely no idea how to break up with Pansy, since she still thinks that we're a thing. I also think that she suspects me, so I'm trying to make it seem like I still hate him, even if a part of me really wants to deny it every time I talk about him badly. A cough interrupts my thoughts and bring me back to the Slytherin common room, where Pansy is talking to me.

"You ok, Malfoy? Why are you so lost in thought these days? And you look like you're about to throw up every time you talk about the Potter boy," Pansy says.

"Ah, well, I'm ok," I reply, trying to cover up my mistake. 

Pansy shrugs and walks out the room. "Ok, then. I'm going to the great hall to eat food. I'm starving since you woke me up with another one of your little nightmares."

About my nightmares, I'm having them a lot more often. I get dreams about Dumbledore and Snape and Aunt Bellatrix and my dad more and more these days. It makes me sick to my stomach, because when I wake up I keep thinking of them and my job. I don't want to kill Professor Dumbledore! He's kind and brave and keeps our castle safe. He's the headmaster of a school that to me was my first home that really felt like home, how am I supposed to kill him when you think of it that way?

"C'mon!" Pansy cries, "You've been stuck here for ages, I tell you!"

I snap out of my thoughts and follow her out the Slytherin common room. We turn a corner to see Harry and his friend Luna Lovegood standing there, pouring over a book about potions. Luna smiles cheerfully but stops suddenly when he sees me. My heart drops. Although I've been a bit of a bully for years now, I just can't bully anyone anymore. I don't know why I just can't do it. Maybe because of Harry? Regardless, I fake a sneer and approach Luna and Harry so that Pansy doesn't get suspicious.

"Hey, look! It's Loony Lovegood and the Chosen one!" I say a little unconvincingly. Pansy looks at me a little weird, but she still sneers and laughs.

"Leave us alone, Draco," Harry mumbles.

"Aw, look! Bonding over their lost parents!" Pansy shrieks, "Next you'll be dating together! That'll be one to tell the kids, right Draco?"

"I- uh- yeah?" I say, and the worst happens. Pansy walks towards me, hands around my back. She keep coming closer, and I send a sympathetic look at Harry, I kiss her longingly, and that seems to do it for Harry. His eyes fill with tears and he mutters, "Y-You monsters."

"H-" I stop myself in time. If I completed the sentence, Pansy would've thought that we liked each other. I see Harry glare at me and I feel my stomach drop at his face of betrayal. 

 "Aw, little Potter's crying!" Pansy says, and Harry glares at Pansy before running away. Luna shouts for Harry before dropping the potions book and running after him. My feet itch to run after Harry, but Pansy takes my hand and drags me towards the hall. Think, Draco, think.

"Oh- uh- Pansy-" I start, "I- uh- forgot to grab something. Gimme a second."

Pansy looks very annoyed, but he lets go of me and I run off in Harry's direction, running faster and faster, until I catch up with Luna. "Harry! Harry!" She seems to be shouting.

"Luna!" I exclaim, before tripping and falling. Luna gasps and grabs my arms to keep me from falling. "What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to Harry! Where is he?"

Luna looks taken aback, before pointing in the direction he went in. "C'mon!" I exclaim, and we both set off running in the same direction. we keep running and shouting for Harry until we hear a soft crying. We look at each other before heading towards the crying. We take a left turn before seeing Harry around the corner towards the boy's bathroom. He looks at us and he turns away again.

"What are you doing here?" He asks. I sit down next to Harry, and Luna does the same. "W-We wanted to see you, Harry. I'm sorry for what Pansy said, Harry. So sorry," I answer.

"Yeah, well you were doing it too!" Harry exclaims, blinking rapidly.

"I didn't mean it, Harry," I say softly, making him look up, "I just didn't want Pansy to think that we loved each other."

"T-True," Harry says, sniffling. "I'm such a mess. I've never been this affected by anything you or Pansy said this much."

"No, I get it. You're confused, stressed, and vulnerable," I say shakily, trying to comfort him, and Luna nods rapidly next to me. Harry looks at both of us, before gasping. 

"What is it?" I ask reluctantly.

"It's Luna. She knows."

My heart drops as I realize that we both confessed that we like each other in front of Luna. What would she say? What would she do?

"Luna, please, keep this a s-" I start, but Luna cuts off my sentence, saying, "Oh, I won't tell anyone. And to be honest, I kinda saw this coming."

"Y-You did?!" Harry yelps, wiping off tears.

"Yeah. You started to talk about Draco more. Although some of it wasn't in a good way, I could tell that you liked him. And then one day you looked so happy and lost in thought. I asked what happened, but you didn't say anything, so I just came to the conclusion that you were seeing someone," Luna says, "And by the way, I approve."

I look from Harry to Luna, before smiling gratefully. "Thanks, Luna. We appreciate it. And I'm sorry, Harry. Really."

And with one last look at him, he pulls me into an embrace and kisses me on the cheek.

"S-So does that mean you forgive me?" I ask rather awkwardly.

"Of course."

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