Chapter 5

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Harry POV:

Walking through the dungeons, I grab a seat next to Ron and take out my potions book. I watch the rest of the classmates file through the rows of cauldrons, Pansy and Draco among them. I don't know why, but I suddenly feel a deep feeling of hatred towards Pansy. I shake off the feeling, telling myself off for feeling that way towards a harmless Slytherin. Although she isn't that harmless...

"Hello, everyone!" Professor Slughorn says in his regular booming voice, as the last few students walk to their cauldrons. "First of all, who can tell me what the volubilis potion is?"

As usual, Hermione's hand is the only that is raised. Professor Slughorn waves a hand at her as a way to tell her to answer. "Volubilis potion is a potion that allows the drinker to alter their voice. It can also be a cure to a silencing charm. It looks very complicated."

"Yes, in fact so complicated, that I'm allowing you to pair up to make this potion, so please partner up. Two people to a cauldron!"

I look around, but Ron has already attached himself with Hermione. I frantically look around, looking for someone to partner up with, but in no time, everyone has already partnered up. "Professor Slughorn? I don't have a partner."

Professor Slughorn looks around and says, "Well, you can partner up with Mr. Malfoy over there." I look back to see Draco by himself, looking very scandalized at Pansy. I half-heartedly wave at Draco, and he glares at me. "You? Of all people?"


"The partners with the best polyjuice potion gets this!" Professor Slughorn says, waving an enormous slab of chocolate in the air. My eyes widened. I haven't had chocolate in so long! I hastily grab my potions book and flip through the pages until I find the polyjuice potion chapter.

"Step one is to heat water until it gets green," Draco says.

"Okay," I answer, seeing the Half-blood prince's writing, spelling out "wait until blue-green, works better."

"I'll keep watch over the cauldron," I say, staring at the water which has now turned into a pale pink.

"Sure. I'll get the rest of the ingredients." Woah. Draco agreeing with me? I didn't know he could do that.

A few minutes later, Draco looks over the cauldron and says, "That should be good," for the water had turned a bright green.

"I'll wait a little longer, just in case," I say hastily, and as I say it, the water turns a blue-green colour. "Actually, this should be good. Add the honeywater."

Draco nods and pours the honeywater in, which makes the water turn a pale pink again. I smile, and from the corner of my eye, I see Draco smile too, before stopping abruptly and walking away to get the mint sprigs. I read the next instruction from the Half-blood prince, which says "Don't wait until the mixture goes orange, otherwise the mixture won't work enough." I call for Draco.

"Draco! Add the mint sprigs."

"But the mixture is still pale pink."

"But the ha-" I stop, realizing what I was about to say. "Draco, can you trust me? I won't mess it up. I promise."

Draco eyes me, probably thinking about the multiple times I made my flawless potions. "Okay, Potter. But if you mess up, you will pay."

I shrug and pour the mint sprigs in, and the mixture turns green. When the mixture turns blue, I say to Draco, "Pass me the stewed mandrake."

"No, we have to add in more mint sprigs. See?" Draco says, pointing to a line of instructions.

"Ah, sorry," I say, adding more mint sprigs in, until the mixture turns pink. We add in the stewed mandrake and hellbore syrup, and when we finish, the potion turns a pale yellow, the exact described in the book. I look around. Ron and Hermione's potion is still a pink, Ginny and Lavender Brown's potion is white, and Pansy and Goyle's is black, and smells like rotten eggs. Draco looks with me, and smiles, this time not stopping. He holds out his hand reluctantly, and I high-five him, us both grinning. 

"And.....time's up!" Professor Slughorn says, "I will put a silencing charm on you, and you will drink the potion you have made to see if it works."

Professor Slughorn first silences the other groups, and gets them to drink their potions. Although Ron and Hermione's work, it only works for a little bit, and the rest of the groups don't seems to be doing much better. Professor Slughorn then comes to me and Draco.

"Silencio!" He exclaims, and I immediately feel as if my throat was very hoarse, I try to speak, but I can't. I drink the potion with Draco, and I instantly feel my throat clear. 

"Hello?" Draco says excitedly. "Oh hey, it worked!"

"The clear winners are Draco and Harry!" Professor Slughorn says happily, handing us each a giant bar of chocolate.

"Thanks for pointing me out," I say to Draco.

"Thanks for your help," Draco replies, before looking embarrassed. We laugh before taking a bite of our chocolate. "How did you know not to wait for the potion to turn yellow?" Crap. What do I say? Since I can't think of an excuse, I resort to telling him. I expect him to go angry on my, but instead he looks at the book and says, "Wow, that's cool. Can I borrow this book sometimes?"

"Sure. Just don't break it," I say, nodding. We walk out of the room, eating our chocolate, apparently thinking along the lines of the same thing.

I guess Draco isn't so bad.

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