Alone Time

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Liam’s list for Paul had been short and the man came back with everything that he had requested. Liam gave the groceries to Louis to put away while he took the new baby monitor and set it up by Niall’s cot. After everything was put away it was merely a matter of waiting for his baby to wake up from his nap. 

It took about another half hour before Liam finally heard something from the monitor and happily took himself up to his little boy. “Hey there sleepyhead. Have a nice nap?” he asked in his typical greeting.

Niall shrugged, he was still getting used to someone coming to get him. He was getting used to a lot of things this past day and a half and he was still extremely doubtful that this would continue. His gut instincts were that the boys would go back to being their usual neglectful selves as soon as the tour started back up.

“What do you say we go find something fun to do” Liam said happily as he lifted Niall out of his cot and carried him downstairs.

“Yes! Niall’s up” Harry cheered upon seeing him, “Now we can have some fun”

“Ooh, I call first dibbs with him” Louis exclaimed rushing over and taking Niall from Liam.

Niall was slightly confused at the boys antics but didn’t fight against being taken by Louis and carried into the front room of the bus, it had a smaller TV but a larger open area in the center.

“So what would you like to play?” Louis asked as he deposited Niall in the middle of the floor and then turned to pull different options out of the toy box that they had set up against the wall. “Would you like Legos or racecars?”

Louis pulled both items out of the toy box and then turned around to see if Niall would pick one of the options only to meet an empty room, “Damn”

Niall had waited until Louis had turned around and was no longer paying attention to him before he headed out of the room and up the stairs to his corner. He seriously needed some alone time.

Liam wanted to give Louis a chance to be alone with Niall and he had absolutely no intention of interrupting them but he just had to see his baby. He had just poked his head around the doorway when he heard Louis mutter a curse word. Curiosity getting the better of him Liam leaned a little farther into the room looking around and finding that he couldn’t see one key person, “Where’s Niall?”

Louis jerked his head around, “He was just here”

Liam sighed, “What happened?”

“I set him down then turned to pick out something from the toy box…”

“You turned your back on him!” Liam cut in. How could Louis be so stupid? How could he? Liam knew that Niall would take any chance to head off to his little hideaway. Liam really didn’t like Niall being all-alone in the storage room; too many things could happen to the lad, it just wasn’t safe.

“I only turned my back on him for a second” Louis defended himself.

“Dimmit Louis! If you’re going to take him then you have to keep an eye on him at ALL times. You should know this!”

“What’s going on?” Zayn asked coming into the room.

“Louis let Niall out of his sight” Liam explained before letting the two alone as he went after Niall.

Liam just couldn’t believe he had been stupid enough to let Niall out of his sight. He had promised Niall that he wouldn’t forget about him or ignore him again and yet not even a day later and the kid had slipped out of his sight. Honestly he’d have to make sure that he was with Niall from now on. He would also have to talk to the rest of the boys on properly taking care of Niall.

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