Chapter 6

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Natasha woke up Lia and as she looked at Natasha "Mama" Lia said hugging Natasha with her teddy bear in her hands as Natasha picked her up and then the front door opened and Alexei walked in to the two gingers hugging "Papa" Lia said as he walked over to them and picked up the eight year old "where's Yelena" Alexei asked "In Russia" Natasha said "I have a mission this week for 3 weeks" he said Natasha nodded as she made breakfast as Lia lay on the couch watching cartoons.

3 hours later

Alexei left for his mission and Natasha packed Lia's bag and they left to meet Steve and find out whats on the drive so they went to the hospital and then they went to the apple store as they were on the run "put Lia on your shoulders and put your arm around me" Natasha said as Steve did as they went unnoticed and now Rumlow was heading up as they where heading down so Natasha grabbed Lia and turned to Steve "kiss me" she said as Lia pretended to be asleep on Natasha's shoulder as Steve and Natasha kissed then they got off and left for new Jersey.

At the bunker

Natasha put the USB i and then typed Yes "Rogers Steven, born 1918, Romanova Natalia Alianovna, born 1984, Romanova Lia Alianovna, born 2005" the machine said to them "It must be a type of recording" Natasha said then the machine started yelling and started to talk about the algarithum then all 3 of them where underground covered by Cap's shield but some rubble hit them this knocked both Natasha and Lia unconscious so Steve carried them both. Natasha regained consciousness but Lia didn't. They eventually arrived at Sam's house where Lia finally regained consciousness "Mama" Lia said as she was rocked in Natasha's arms"shhh baby" Natasha said then they went into the kitchen and Natasha made Lia eat breakfast as she was sat on Natasha's lap and then they went to find the winter soldier but they were caught by Hydra (S.H.I.E.L.D) and Natasha was shot and Lia was hit with glass cutting her head and lip. Luckily they Maria Hill saved them as Steve and Sam helped Natasha as Maria helped Lia and as the doctor helped Natasha as she spoke to Fury ant then Maria came in with Lia who had fresh stitches on her head and lip and they where bandaged then Natasha held her close "are you OK baby?" Natasha asked and Lia nodded.

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