Chapter 8

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2015 Age of Ultron

Lia was asleep when Yelena walked in and woke her up and she ate breakfast and then she left to go and play with the Barton kids as they loved playing Avengers as Lia went to leave she grabbed her mom's old widow bites that didn't work any more because Tony upgraded her old one so Lia put them on as ran to play with Lila and Cooper (Lila was pretending to be Clint and Cooper was pretending to be Tony). they were running around and pretending to save the world from evil "pew pew" Lia said pretending to shoot the widow bites until they all fell to the floor in a fit of giggles then Lia heard Yelena yell her "Lia lunch time" as Lia said her quick good byes as the Barton's got called to lunch too so they all ran home.

A couple days later

Lia was fast asleep even though she was used to getting up super early but she was also hand cuffed to her bed because she saw her mom and aunt doing it her mom still doesn't know about it nor does any one she always hides the cuff's when she wakes up she uncuffs them and put's them in her pillow and then takes them out at night but she was still fast asleep when she felt the small kisses on her cheek from her mom "Baby why are you hand cuffing yourself to your bed?" Natasha said in Russian to her baby as she undid her cuffs and took them away the young girl looked guilty as she said "Because you and auntie Yelena do it" she said and her mom kissed her cheek and she grabbed Lia's hand "OK now these stay here not on your bed post got it" Natasha said and Lia nodded and they walked down stairs well Natasha walked and Lia was on her back "Uh jeez your getting big baby" Natasha said as Lia jumped down as she smiled up at her mom kissed her nose making her giggle then Natasha pulled Yelena aside "keep an eye on Lia she has been handcuffing herself to her bed" Natasha said in Russian and Yelena nodded as the kettle pinged and Yelena made coffee and she made breakfast "Lia breakfast" Natasha said as the 9 1/2 year old rushed to the table "Mama can I try some coffee" Lia asked with hopeful eyes "Yeah no you you can just stick to your orange juice" Natasha said as she placed the glass on the table then there was a knock on the door "come in" Natasha yelled as the avengers walked in with Clint "Hi pumpkin" Clint said making Lia stop mid bite "uncle Clint" Lia yelled  running into his arms "Lia Breakfast" Natasha said as Lia sat back down "but Mama uncle Clint said that he will help me with my dirt bike" Lia said az she sat back at the table "I'm not anymore but-" Clint said before he stopped mid sentence "I am going to" a voice said making Lia look at the front door and her face lit up like a Christmas tree "Papa" Lia yelled running over to the man that stood in the door way as he through her in the air and held her on his hip as he walked into the kitchen and hugged Yelena as Nat was just watching this and smirking "OK right Lia breakfast" Natasha said as Lia's dad placed her on the dining room chair and then he kissed Natasha shocking every one in the room but Lia, Clint and Yelena "I'm finished can we work on my bike now" Lia said "yes go" Natasha said as Lia pulled her father's hand "come on Papa" Lia said "so who's the man that kissed you then Nat" Tony said making Yelena roll her eye's "is he that stupid" Yelena said in Russian making Natasha laugh and nod her head making Yelena laugh then Lia ran in out of breath and yelling "Mama, Mama" "woah Lia honey slow down what's wrong" Natasha said kneeling to her level "Uncle Nick is in the back garden"she said as Nick walked in talking with Lia's father "Alexie can you reach this for me please" Yelena said as he walked over and grabbed the item and handed it to Yelena as he then picked up Lia and she lay her head on his shoulder "OK is every one staying for dinner" Yelena asked "Yes" every one said "Auntie Yelena can we have my favorite Beef Stroganoff Please" Lia asked but then Yelena said "I'm just going to make Borscht" making Lia frown " hay Lia how about tomorrow me and you make your favorite Russian Fudge" Yelena said making the girl smile.

After dinner

"OK time for bed monkey" Natasha said seeing her tired daughter laying with her head on her lap "but I'm not tired Mama" Lia yawned whilst rubbing her eyes "come on Monkey"Alexie said as Lia lay her head on his chest as Natasha followed but they stopped at Yelena for a goodnight kiss on the head "Night Lia" every one said as Lia waved letting out yet another yawn as Alexie carried her upstairs as Natasha followed and placed her in bed "night baby girl" Alexie said kissing Lia's head as he left the room to show the the avengers their rooms as Natasha did her nightly ritual with Lia as she placed Lia's teddy bear and turned on her star projector and she she got in next to Lia who lay on her chest and kissed her head and started singing the same Russian lullaby she had been singing since the day Lia was born and as the avengers passed the heard Nat singing and when they saw the sight they all where all in aww at it. When Lia was finally asleep Natasha kissed her head and she pulled the blanket over her and she left to go to her room and she got ready for bed "I don't know if we'll make it back tomorrow but what ever happens please protect Lia with your life and tell her that I thought of her the whole time and that every thing I did I did for her" Natasha said "that will never be the case" Alexie said as he kissed her.

The next day

Lia woke up to the avengers talking so she raced out of bed "Mama" Lia said as she stood at the bottom of the stairs with tears in her eye's so Natasha ran to her along with Alexie and Yelena to come over to her and Natasha picked her up "shh baby it's OK" Natasha whispered to her as she picked up the girl as the avengers watched "no Mama don't go" Lia cried as tears rolled down her face "baby can you do some thing for me" Natasha said as she put Lia down and keeled in front of her wiping Lia's tears and placed a necklace around her neck it was a locket and inside was a family picture of when Lia was a baby "OK now you look after this for me because you know I never go any where with out it and you know that I will come back for it" Natasha said kissing her head and and her cheek as she walked out with the rest of the Avengers "wait Mama" Lia yelled and Natasha turned around "you promise you will make my birthday" Lia said and and Natasha yelled back "I promise princess" making Lia smile just a little as she watched her mother walking away to the quin jet as Lia waved as Yelena held the girl's hand as the other clutched the locket.

A few days later

Lia's birthday was a couple of days away and she was sitting at the bay window drawing when she noticed something then she saw her mom's red hair so she threw her drawing on the floor and ran to the door yelling "Mama, Mama" she ran out and into Natasha's arm's with tears flowing down her face as Natasha picked her up as Yelena ran out and hugged Natasha also and then Alexie walked out and kissed her then they all walked inside and then Lia ran to the table after picking up her drawing followed by Natasha as the girl picked up a piece of Russian fudge and started eating it and gave the other half to her mother "OK Lia don't spoil your dinner were having your favorite" Yelena said making the girl smile.

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