Chapter 14

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2018 Endgame

Natasha was looking at all the people who had been snapped as was everyone else that's when a picture of Lia came up and she had the cutest little smile everyone looked at Natasha who was still holding the bear. They had just killed Thanos but Natasha punched him before and said "you took my little girl from me" then Thor killed him. They returned to the compound and Natasha walked into Lia's room and lay on her bed.

5 years later

Natasha was sat eating a peanut butter sandwich when Steve walked in and they started talking "you know she would have been 18 now" Natasha said and Steve nodded as he looked at the picture Natasha had on her desk as the teddy bear lay on Natasha's lap. The picture was of Natasha and Lia when they got ice cream whilst in hiding he had actually taken the picture. Natasha, Steve and Scott arrived at Tony's house when they saw a little girl Steve grabbed Natasha's hand as she held back tears as they asked him about time travel, Tony said he couldn't help so they left but Natasha said "please Tony think about it Lia would be 18 now" and she walked away. They went to Bruce/Hulk but one day at the compound Tony said that he had done it and they could get everyone back and then Natasha went to find Clint. "my family is gone Natasha" Clint said "and so is Lia" Natasha replied making Clint look at her "but we can get them back" she continued as they headed to the compound. They were figuring out the timeline of every infinity stone and before they knew it they each had a stone to get and for Natasha and Clint it was the soul stone. Natasha looked at Clint who was holding her arm "look after her for me just until Yelena get's her now let me got It's OK" Natasha said and Clint said no but Natasha jumped. When Clint returned he dropped to his knees and cried. "Did she have any family?" Tony asked "ye us and..." Steve went silent "oh god what will we tell her daughter" Scott said as Bruce through a bench. Bruce brought everyone back "this is gonna break little Lia" Steve said suddenly there was aloud crash and Thanos appeared. The Avenger fought to keep the stones from Thanos when Tony sacrificed himself suddenly Steve heard yelling of an all too familiar voice he was with Clint,Sam and Bucky "Mama" Lia said walking around the rubble covered in cuts, bruises, blood and debris  she walked over to them and asked the question "where's Mama?" suddenly everyone looked over as Steve and Clint got down to Lia's level "Lia I'm so sorry but your mom sacrificed herself for an infinity stone but she wanted me to tell you that she loved you so much and how she never stopped thinking about you the whole time you were gone" Clint said looking young Lia in her eyes as Steve handed her the teddy bear "she never let this go she loved you more than any thing Lia" Steve said as everyone watched the girls whole world collapse as she fell to her knees in tears and Steve picked her to try and bring some comfort. They were at Tony's funeral and everyone noticed little Lia sat on the steps surrounded by tonnes of memories of her and her family and tears fell. Steve was going to take the stones back to their respective timelines but he wanted to say goodbye to Lia and saw her with Yelena, Lia walked over "hey I just wanted to say goodbye I know your Aunt is taking you back to Russia" Steve said and Lia nodded as she had already said goodbye to her friend Lila and Everyone else "can you please try and bring her back Uncle Steve?" Lia sobbed and Steve kissed her cheek "I will do every thing I can OK, Now go" he said and Lia nodded giving him one last hug and kiss on the cheek when Yelena walked over and picked up the emotionally exhausted 13 year old girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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