Chapter 7

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Natasha held Lia close and sat her on her lap "are you OK Mama" Lia asked with tears in her eyes as she looked at the bandage around her chest "yes baby Mama's OK" Natasha said even though she was in so much pain but she still let her clingy 8 year old hug her Natasha only told Lia that she was fine as she hate's seeing her daughter scared or worried or even cry for that matter but as Lia hugged Natasha she lay her head on her non injured shoulder as Natasha gently rocked her and whispered sweetly in to her ear as the young girls eye's started to close I mean no one could blame the poor girl the last 48 hours was like a living hell for her I mean she was 8 years old for crying out loud. Lia stayed like that as fury talked about the mission and then Maria offered to put her in a bed and Natasha agreed so Maria took the girl from Natasha's arm's with a bit of a struggle but managed it. Lia woke up just as fury entered to wake her up "Ah I was just about to wake you up sunshine" Fury said "uncle Nick where's Mama" Lia asked as she got up and put on her jacket and grabbed Fury's hand "we're going to her now" he said buckling the girl in to the helicopter and they headed to S.H.E.I.L.D and walked in together "Mama" Lia yelled as soon as here eye's landed on Natasha as the girl went to run to Natasha a gun was placed on the back of her head "you must be insane if you even think about killing a child especially in front of their mother and that their mother happens to be Black Widow so I suggest you remove your gun from my head or feel the wrath of Black Widow because if I die you die" Lia said as she felt the pressure of the gun move from her head "that's what I thought" Lia said continuing her journey to her mother. 

Fury was flying the helicopter whilst Natasha was talking to Sam who almost fell through the helicopter as Lia was gripping her mother who had an arm around her as she pulled Sam back into the helicopter where they landed and went looking for Steve "he's over here" Lia yelled as she found Steve laying by the water unconscious and they rushed him to hospital.

A couple days later

Lia stood next to Natasha as they said their good bye's to Fury, Sam and Steve "your not going" Steve asked Natasha "no" she shook her head "some one has to be home with this little monster until school starts again" she said putting her arm around Lia's shoulders who was happily humming a tune staring into space so Steve keeled down to her level "you be good to your Mama OK and try and stay out of trouble and pay attention in school ya here me" he said as Lia nodded hiding behind Natasha's leg as he stood up and Natasha handed him a file after kissing his cheek.

2 weeks later

"Lia come on it's time for breakfast before you go out and play with Lila" Natasha yelled as Lia walked down and sat at the table and Natasha placed their favorite breakfast it was a traditional Russian breakfast and and a cup of black coffee for Nat and Orange juice for Lia as Natasha deemed it to early for frizzy drinks much to her daughters dismay but it has always been this way if you didn't know this family you would find them as a very loving but peculiar at why they never sat in front of the tv even though it was playing but to Lia this was normal even the paper and drawing and stuffed animals all over the place weapons on the coffee table the fact that it was a rule of no weapons at the dining table to the random S.H.E.I.L.D files laying around to Lia this was normal to the point where she had her own motorcycle that her father deemed OK for her to have it was just he bike that they would upgrade until she was old enough to have a real one. Lia knew her life was not like her friend's at school who would go out on weekends with their parents whilst Lia sat by the window or was reading letters just waiting for her parents to come home just hoping even her best friend Lila din't have this problem as for her this was only her father who worked with her Mama but some times even her Aunt Yelena had to leave.

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