Bonus Chapter

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Gina waited while Seth had his meetings.
He kept looking into his office through the glass wall to make sure she's still there and Gina smiled back every time.

He walked into the office after the meeting and took her in his arms.
"Sorry I made you wait", he said and took her in a kiss.
"Hm hm", they heard and broke off the kiss.
Liam is standing by the door with Montserrat behind him.

"Sorry to break off youurrr romantic moment",
"The gown and suit is ready", Montserrat said.
Seth signaled for Gina to go first and then he walked behind her. Liam almost rolled his eyes. To him it's an eyesore seeing Seth being romantic.

When they got to the boutique, they were taken to a room where Gina will check and choose her gown for the wedding.
After fitting in, they took a pre-wedding pictures and Seth left with Gina.
And they had their first date.

Gina still couldn't believe what is happening, it felt so unreal.

But it can't be more real when he's staring deep into her eyes, when he slid that ring and tied their fate.
She felt his hand pull down her sleeve and she wanted to slow down the moment, to enjoy the moment, to bury it in her mind so she could call it up any time she wants, but then again, he's hers forever, through thick and thin, in sickness and in health, till death do them apart.

She closed her eyes as he buried his face in her neck and sucked on it. She felt his hand tickle her breasts and she let herself get lost in the moment. Her whole body craved for him and he knows how to satisfy her. She let her legs fall apart as she let him in and she moaned, making Seth to satisfy her more.


Gina walked in and saw the girls at the VIP room.
"What took you so long girl?", Nicki asked,
"I had to put the kids to sleep", Gina said,
"Oh yeah...the kids", Nicki said,
"So how about the guy?", Stephanie asked,
"The guy?", Gina asked and Nora laughed,
"We are here to have fun!", Nicki screamed,
"Woh!", Nora shouted,
"See who's here?", Stephanie said and downed a glass of whiskey,
"Lucy!", Nicki called,
"Why you calling her?!", Steph asked pulling back Nicki's hand,
"Oh...she's with someone", Nora said,
"Wai-..what.. Liam?", Gina said
"You know him?", Nora asked,
"He's my husband's friend, I thought Lucy was engaged", Gina said surprised,
"it's Lucy girl", Steph said flipping her finger.
The table went quiet as they watched the two for awhile,
"But wait..", Nora said,
"What did you say?",
"Me?", Gina asked,
"Your husband?", Nora said,
"You heard that right?!", Nicki said laughing,
"I was thinking same thing in my mind!", Nicki said laughing and the girls joined her and Gina sat there shaking her head, "can y'all stop",
"Cheers please", Nicki said and they all raised their glasses,
"No..i don't drink...anymore", she said and they looked at each other and burst out again laughing,
"Alright..that's cool...thats cool", Steph said and they drank up,
"Guess you'll have to go home early too?", Nora said,
"Shit I was joking",
"I have kids at home",
"Kids you've put to sleep already", Steph said,
"Yes, Janina wakes up often at night",
"Shit..god knows I can't do that shit", Nicki said,
"Be careful what you say", Gina said,
"Ugghh...those tiny humans can be annoying",
"They are cute and adorable",
"Hey look at that", Nicki said pointing to a guy,
"Ooohhh", Nora said,
"Should I remind you, Nicki that you're married and Stephanie you're engaged and Nora, you have a boy friend",
" we can't droll over some hotty?",
"Is it my eyes or is he coming here?", Nora asked,
"Omg", Nicki said and pushed her breasts, Nora crossed her legs and Stephanie shoved her hair backwards as the guy approached them.

"Hey ladies", he said
"Hey handsome", they chorused,
"Can I get y'all more drinks?",
Gina felt embarrassed and took her glass of water and took a sip.

"Hey beautiful" he said to Gina and she almost choked,
"Sorry", he said rubbing his hand on her back. Gina shrugged it off,
"Am okay",
"Wait", he said and took his handkerchief to wipe off the water by her lips, their face too close.
Immediately a hand grabbed the guy and yanked him off from Gina,
"Shit!", Nora screamed,
"F@@@ck!", Nicki screamed same time and Gina screamed.

The first blow went straight to the guys nose, then the second, third and it kept going up and down his face,
"Stop!", Gina screamed but Seth kept blowing hard on the guy,
"Seth! Stop!", Gina screamed again and Seth stopped, he turned to look at Gina and a blow landed on his face and Gina had to stand between the two.
She turned and stared hard at Seth and ran off the room and Seth went after her.

They rode quietly back home. Gina kept wiping off the tears in her eyes till they got home.

She walked in first and went straight to the room and sat in the bed for awhile. Seth walked in slowly. He stood by the door just pulling on his collar slightly.

"Why did you do that?", Gina finally said something,
"He was touching you and was trying to kiss you",
"He wasn't trying to kiss me, he was just wiping off some water face",
"Did you see the way he was looking at you the whole time?",
"The whole time?",
"I was watching him",
"You followed me?", Gina said standing up from the bed and pointing to herself,
" was late",
"You don't trust me",
"Of course I do",
"You know what...i don't want to do this", she said and walked out of the room.

Seth sat on the bed, she came back later with an aid kit. She laid it on the bed and took Seth's face.

"You shouldn't be over protective of me, i can take care of myself",
"I know...just that I can't stand seeing them around you", he said and Gina chuckled,
"Are you laughing?",
"Just..smiling", she said and cupped his face with her hands,
"I love you", she said and kissed his lips,
"I love you crazy", he said and wrapped his hands around her waist drawing her close to him, she wrapped her hands around his neck.
He got up and laid her on the bed and took her on a kiss, the lightening strike and rain began, just the perfect moment.


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