Chapter Four

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La Luna hotel and suites
She read the sign as the car dropped her. From when she got to the air port to this point, she’s been treated like a princess and it felt unreal and suspicious to her. Immediately she got down from the car, someone came and took her luggages and a lady came and ushered her in.
When she entered the hotel, for a moment she couldn't believe where she is, it felt so unreal. While she was escorted to the room she is ging to stay, she couldn’t help but gape at how grand the hotel is. She tried to hold her astonishment but it was obvious.
When they entered the room and dropped her luggages, they left and she slowly pinched herself. She picked p her phone and called Nicki but her line was busy. She dropped the call and walked to the window and her mouth dropped open at the sight of the beautiful city. Everything is different, the fragrance, the grandeur, it was all too much.
She bit her lips and smiled. She walked around the room, sat on the bed and ran her hands through it. She checked the time, the Liam guy had said 4 o'clock, its past five in the evening. She tried to text him but decided not to. She sat on the bed and lay down, facing the ceiling.

She heard a sound and opened her eyes, she had fallen asleep. She saw a man standing by the bed head and jumped up immediately.
"Hi, you were asleep when I came in, so I decided to let you sleep, sorry I came late. Had something important to take care of", Liam said and checked his watch, he moved towards the couch in the room. She knew immediately that he's the Liam guy.
"its fine", she said wiping out the drool on her lips, she wondered how deeply she had slept that she didn't even know when he came in.
And he came in without knocking?
Did he?
How did he come in?
Oh, yea, he booked the room.
She thought for a second and tried to make herself look presentable while she walked towards him.
“Thanks for the transportation and all”, she said trying to be humble, Liam looked at her, short of words for a second,
“It was nothing”, he said and stood up,
"I am Liam by the way", he said extending his hands, she took it, 
"Regina", they smiled,
"I guess you must be really hungry and stressed, I'll have the waitress get you something", he said pointing at her face,
"thank you",
"hm", he said nodding. It was weird for some seconds, he was pressing his phone,
"fine”, he closed his phone, “I will...have someone pick you up tomorrow morning, by 10 am okay. Feel relaxed and rest up", he said and Gina nodded.
"right", he said and headed for the door. He left the room and immediately the door closed behind him, he turned and stared at it.
He thought Gina looked too random which is kind of good but her hair
Gina sat on the bed for awhile after he left, trying to get herself. Her head was banging and her stomach is so tight. She squeezed it,
"ow", she suddenly felt embarrassed, she should've said something else to the Liam guy before he left. She had a lot to ask him.
She heard a knock and went to get the door.
While eating she realized that she doesn't actually know what surrogacy is all about. She took her time to research on it.
She had never thought about it before, she has seen the posters of it at the hospital whenever she goes with her mom for check ups. She never thought something like this could be possible. It is so unbelievable. Her mum would say this is against the Lord or messing with what God has put in the way it should be. She would call it adulteryor whatever, but she will totally be against it.
She thought and laughed a little. It felt easy but scary. She thought about why she had to do it and it all made sense again.
Early in the morning, someone came and picked her up. She was taken to a place where she entered a private jet heading to somewhere she doesn't even know and can never guess. It stopped on top of a building and she was helped down. She was amazed but she tried not to be weird and awkward.
She was taken to an office with a huge door, they passed through another smaller door before they entered a big office, she has only seen in the movies. When she entered, the lady escorting her left and closed th door behind her, two men were sitting facing each other and for a second, they were too engaged in their discussion to notice her.
"good morning", she greeted breakin their conversation. She recognized one of the men, he's the one she saw at the hotel.
"morning Miss Regina, sorry, come on in, have a seat", Liam said standing up, he shifted one of the seats for her to sit down.
“Thank you”, she said and sat down. She looked at the other man sitting, his eyes toring her down, she tried to hide her nervousness, but his eyes almost made her cry, she looked away immediately, her heating suddenly beating out of rhythm.
"well… Regina, hope you don't mind?", he asked politely, after waiting for Seth to introduce himself but he didn’t,
"just call me Gina", she said trying to maintain a smile, she pressed her hands together, trying to focus on the pain,
"alright, Gina, this is Seth McGregor", he said as he is expecting her to show some sort of reaction but she just looked at him for a second and nodded,
"you know him?", he said looking into her face, almost too comfortably,
"n-no", she answered wondering if she had made any mistake or perhaps Nicki was supposed to give her a heads up but forgot to,
Liam looked at Seth and nodded.
“Do you even…know where you are?”, Liam asked trying not too sound intimidating,
“New...York?”, she said and the room was silent for a deep second,
"uhmm, yea, so…we all know why you're here right?", he asked and she nodded,
"Okay, have you done surrogacy before?",
"have you ever gotten pregnant before?",
Is this a job interview?
I didn’t prepare for this
"are you in any relationship?",
"no", she answered not smiling anymore, her stomach has already started bubbling,
Liam nodded and continued.
"sorry?", she said before she could process the question,
"you still a virgin?", Liam asked as if he is sorry to ask the question,
She looked at Seth who sat with his hand on his lips, she shook her head, "no", she said feeling embarrased, her mother thought she's still a virgin. She would tell God in her prayers to give her children good husbands because they kept their body sacred, she would feel guilty whenever she said that but the new world doesn’t care about all those anymore.
"sorry for my questions, but they are necessary",
"its fine", she said trying to maintain eye contact but her eyes kept flipping in embarrassment.
"does your family know you're doing this?", she looked again at Seth who's still staring at her,
"no", she said feeling guiltier,
"good, so apart from you who else knows you're here?",
For a moment she got scared,
"my friend knows, Nicki",
"alright, see how this is going to work", he said bringing out a file,
"in this contains our deal, our contract", he said handing her a file.
"all you have to do is to go through it, play your part well and you will get paid, handsomelyk. I don't know why you chose to do this but…", he shrugged,
"when you're done reading this, we'll sign it tomorrow, so you have from now till tomorrow to make up your mind to stay or to leave. All you need to do is to get pregnant, give birth and give us the child and you'll be paid pretty well. Easy peasy".
She took the file, "I'll read it",
"okay take your time. I'll have the pilot take you back, we'll meet again tomorrow".
She nodded and stood up, she looked at Seth again before turning towards the door.
Seth shifted in his seat when she left.
"what do you think?", Liam asked,
“what I think, seriously?”, he said and Liam laughed,
“I think she’s okay”
"I think she is weak, I suggest you get someone else", he said and stood up,
"I don't think so, she looks good, she is abit weird but at least she doesn't look like trouble",
"No, she looks like trouble",
"you want me to change her? I don't think we can find a better candidate, time is not on your side", he said and Seth turned and looked at him,
"fine", he said, so far as she gets pregnant and produces a great grand child for his grandmother, that's fine.
"dinner?", Liam said and they left the office together.

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