Chapter Nine

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Faith drove for hours, her mind about to burst. She kept wondering how her mother found out about her hidden daughter.
Eighteen years ago, she had traveled outside the country for her master’s degree. That's where she met Damon and they fell in love, but he wanted something different from what she wanted and after all those years it’s all coming back to her. She hit her hand severally on the wheel, trying to release her anger.
I’ve been the good girl way too long for this.
I gave my daughter up for this?!
I gave up everything for this?!!
She screamed and packed her car by the road, trying to catch her breath and cool down. She took deep breath and turned on the engine again. She must get through this this time.
After fifty minutes of more driving and feeling nausy, she got to his house. She got out of her car, her heart beating so hard against her chest, she just doesn't know how to face Damien, again.
And their daughter.
She stared at the house that looked so familiar, a house that could've been her home.
Their home.
She heard someone laughing and tried to hide behind her car, but it was too late. They stopped when they saw her. She gripped her car handle and tried to stop herself from shaking.
For some seconds, Damien couldn't believe who he's seeing, he told Violet his daughter and his wife, Ruth, to go inside. They continued their conversation and walked in.
Faith smiled as Damien walked towards her. He hasn't changed at all, she thought.
"Faith?", he called her,
"Damien", she said and released her grip from the car door, it was still trembling, so she held both together against her belly,
"how have you been?", he asked,
"I've been have you been?",
"as you can see...we're good", he said looking at her, the main question floating in the air just above them,
"what are you doing here Faith?",
"Damien I-", she stopped, thinking of how to put it, "I just want to talk with my daughter",
"your daughter? Am sorry but I don't get you, daughter? What daughter?",
"Faith, Faith...don't do this and am sorry but I don't have anything that belongs to you, you made sure of that years ago",
"please leave, please", Damien said and left her standing there.
She didn’t blame him, it was her fault, her decision.
Gina woke up in the morning to find a package on the table and a pile of books beside it.
She thought of Rosa and ran to the kitchen. She found Seth breaking eggs into a bowl, that's when she realized she's actually outside her room, her door was open.
She stood at the door and looked around the kitchen but there's no sign of Rosa.
"good timing, sit", Seth ordered,
"am not hungry, thanks", she turned to leave but Seth ordered again, this time with a harsh voice,
"sit", Gina turned and looked at him, trying to hold her hatred for him and his arrogant commanding behavior. She walked to the table and sat, staring at the egg on her plat, all burnt. Seth sat down for his own breakfast of toast and coffee, with his tablet on his hand, he got busy.
For a moment he realized Gina wasn't eating,
"you should eat",
"must I do what you order?", Gina murmured,
"what?", Seth asked,
"I don't like eggs", she said and pushed the plate, Seth dropped his tab on the table,
"you ate egg yesterday",
"yes, I was hungry",
"so, you're not hungry now?", he asked but Gina kept staring at the table, Seth exhaled and took the egg, toast and her cup of tea and got up,
"what are you doing?", Gina asked but Seth ignored her and poured the whole thing inside the waste bin.
"you said you're not hungry", Seth finally answered and sat down,
"I never said that!", Seth ignored her and took his tab. Gina sat down there staring at him.
"where's Rosa?",
"she'll be gone for awhile", he answered immediately but didn't look at her,
"it wasn't her fault. Bring her back", she said trying to be strong,
"you sound like you're commanding me", he said and looked at her through his long perfect lashes,
"I...just…bring her back",
"go back to your room, I'll call you for lunch", he sat and stood up.
Immediately Gina sat up to leave, Liam walked in,
"good morning!", he said dropping the bags he was carrying,
"thank god I came on time", he said bringing out what's in the bags he came with,
"hello Gina, are you ready for a majestic breakfast?",
Gina watched as he brought out all the goodies, her mouth watered badly, her stomach twisted.
"what are you doing?", Seth asked him,
"what do you think am doing?", he brought out dishes and placed the chicken and fresh salads on the table, he separated them from the cookies and other goodies,
"these are for you", he said with his hands wide open,
"wow", she said chuckling, suddenly happy,
"all these for me?", she asked and Liam walked around and pulled out a chair for her to sit, she sat down and he served her.
"you're eating for two remember", Gina nodded and dug in, she didn't spare Seth a glance, she was mad at Liam, maybe for making her think he was the one or for leaving her in the hands of the devil but now she's going to let it go, he's a good man, he’s human, she thought as she enjoyed her wonderful breakfast.
After breakfast she took the goodies and went to her room and stocked her fridge. Feeling tired she laid down, thinking of nothing in particular. She got up and walked to the mirror, she stared at her stomach and rubbed it. It’s still normal, she wondered if a baby is really inside, its been five weeks already. She sighed and took one of the books on the table and climbed her bed.

Seth and Liam were in the library, Seth was feeling a little angry about what Liam did, she was his responsibility not Liams’,
"she's not supposed to be taking those", he said,
"cause she's fucking pregnant",
"what I gave her was food, not poison and she's starving, you were going to starve her this morning, a pregnant woman Seth",
"she said she doesn't eat eggs, which she ate just yesterday, she was giving me an attitude",
"not attitude! She's pregnant, that's bound to happen, her moods will change, she'll crave for certain weird things!",
"what do you mean?", Liam rubbed his head,
"why do I feel so responsible for this shit ugh!", he said and slumped into a sofa,
"look men, I read about this pregnancy stuff and a lot comes with it, you should look it up yourself, I can't tell you all of it okay, this is important to you not me, am just helping you out, you should set aside your ego and hatred for women and deal with this stuff, its just an advice, take it or leave it, am leaving", he got up and left. Again.
Seth sat on his desk. He closed the tab and googled pregnancy, surrogate pregnancy, what to expect. He kept skimming and picking points but suddenly stopped and closed the tab. He lay back on his desk, thinking of what his family could be doing. He's been handling the companies since his grandma was sick. The others used to kiss up to the old woman’s ass, now that she's dead plus the condition she left them in, everybody is just calm, too calm it gets on his nerves.
He received a letter, did they receive one too?
Why would his grandma expect great grand children from the? It almost seems impossible for some of them.
Montserrat is not married, Faith is her daughter, even if she miraculously gets pregnant, she'll be giving birth to a grandchild and Maria is not even married and is old, not very old but could she actually go too far as to having a child?
Unless she'll adopt one. Even so…
"oh fuck", he said and rubbed his head taking deep breath.
Maria sat at the molded chair in the orphanage, waiting for the Rev. Sister who had welcomed her. After a few minutes, she came back and took her to a small office. An older woman was sitting there with a smile, Maria smiled back,
"welcome dear", she said,
"Maria, this is our mother, Sister Philomena", the Rev. Sister introduced,
"good morning Sister", Maria greeted and sat down while the other Sister left them to talk. They stared at each other or a lon weird second,
"Sister I…I was directed here by Rev. Fr. Raymond",
"oh Fr. Raymond, a great priest, he is",
"hope everything is fine dear?",
"well...yes...just that…", she twisted her fingers staring at the old red carpet, already wrinkled, against the cement floor, Sis. Philomena held her hands,
"go on dear",
"I heard my daughter is a teacher here, so I came to see her",
"your daughter?", she said and Maria read her face, all wrinkled but could still show emotions,
"yes, Fr. Ray told me she's here, she's teaching the children", she placed her hands on the sister's wrinkled and tired hand,
"Sister, I... I’ve not seen her for so long, I want to apologise for leaving her, I really want to be with her now, but I don't know how to do it", Sis. Philomena smiled, her wrinkled cheeks almost blocking her eyes,
"you know, Maria is a very bright girl. Yes, her name's Maria, I named her Maryglory, but people preferred calling her Maria. I raised her myself", she stared at Maria and withdrew her hands, "although Fr. Raymond didn't give me the whole story when he handed me baby Maria, I figured I had to take good care of her. While she grew up, she asked a lot of questions, she was brilliant, very. I used to tell her that one day you'll come looking for her, but she out grew that", She looked at Maria,
"she looks a lot like you", she took a deep breath, "she's teaching the children now, she got married five years ago and is living happily, but I don't know if she'll be happy to see you",
"she's married", it's not a question and the Sister nodded, a tear fell off Maria's eyes,
"but don't worry, she's your daughter after all, there's always a connection between mother and daughter, she'll be done with the children soon", she said with a weak smile and Maria nodded.
She listened carefully as Sis. Philomena filled her in with stories about her daughter, she showed her pictures of when she was little, when she was a teen and when she got married.
"I think they're done, come", Sis. Philomena said and slowly got up, Maria held her as they walked outside to the field.
Under the sun, the children were running around,
"you see her?",
Maria placed her hand on her face to block the sun so as to be able to see them, she saw a young woman coming out into the sun, her heart skipped, she looked like her mother more than her.
A little boy ran to her and she touched his hair with a smile,
"that's her son, Peter",
"she has a child?",
"I told you she got married five years ago, didn't I?", Maria stood there in surprise,
I have a grandchild?
Seth and Liam sat in the bar talking about business. When they were done they ordered a drink.
"have you heard from Katy, Katy Moore ",
"who?", Seth asked not really paying attention,
"don't shock me! Katy, your first and last date ever!", he said, drawing him into the discussion,
"we didn't date. What about her?", Seth asked taking a sip,
"the world won’t say same. Well, I saw her last week, forgot to tell you, she was looking charming as always, we talked for a bit and she'll be staying here for awhile, what do you think?",
"I don't care",
"well you should, you need to see her, she's still single and she asked about you",
"I still don't care",
“you know, when I saw her, what came to my mind was that the two of you can be a super couple. Imagine you marry her and she has a child for you and you get to inherit your grandmothers properties…wow, added to Katy’s wealth, damn men, theres nothing else you’ll need in this world”, he was saying but Seth wasn’t paying attention, he’s stressed out, he hasn’t had a good sleep in a long time, he yawned,
“I know I’m boring you, but you should think it through and before I forget”, he said and poured himself another drink,
"she didn't only ask about you, she is interested in your company", he said and Seth looked at him, turning the ice in the glass he's holding,
"see…Advice my man, loosen up, if not for anybody, Katy is a nice catch", he raised his glass at him and downed the drink.
"what about Gina, the pregnant girl?",
"what about her?", he asked and gulped the drink down,
"Is she good?",
"ofcourse she is", he said trying to avoid his advices and another quarrel,
"she's a good reader, the last time, she told me she needed new books",
Seth kept quiet,
"did you do the transfer to her family",
Liam nodded, "how many months now?",
"just two months",
"wow", they stayed for another hour and decided to go home.
Seth walked in and went into the kitchen for water and found her in the kitchen, he stood by the door trying to figure out what she’s doing,
"what are you doing?",
"oh, you're back”, she turned to find him standing by the door,
“I am…making dinner", she said with a wild smile, praying he'll be amazed, at least pretend to be,
"sit down", she told him pointing at the sit,
"am not hungry and you sh-",
"am fine", she said touching her stomach,
"just sit", she commanded,
"please", she added.

Seth closed the fridge and dropped his jacket and bag on one of the chairs and sat down, she hurried and set the table. She served him and sat beside him, unlike before, when she used to sit at the end of the table.
"so, there were ingredients, so I decided to make dinner, enjoy", She said trying not to be too comfortable, she wore a smile throughout the dinner, so as to maintain a positive energy before her question.
Seth couldn't believe he enjoyed it. After dinner, he told her to just sit,
“I’ll handle the rest”, he said, Gina watched him while he washed the dishes. She wanted to know if he had gotten the piece of paper she dropped in front of his study. He had warned her not to cross his room or study and she thought it would even be better that way, because she cannot face him and make the request, so she wrote it down on a piece of paper she tore out from one of her novels and wrote it down and dropped it in front of his study.
"you can go to bed",
"oh...ok", she said and stood up sluggishly, her heart beating out of her chest. She turned towards the door but turned back again,
"uhmm... I wanted to know if you sent the money", she said and bit her lips,
Seth stopped washing the plates and looked at her for awhile, she was biting her lips with her hands behind her.
Her belly is still not showing.
That's why she's acting all nice, he thought, to know if he sent the money?

"yes", he said and continued washing, Gina almost asked him, “really?”, just to be sure she heard him right, but knew that would be a mistake,
"can I call them?", she said and Seth turned sharply,
"its fine if-",
"no", he said simply and turned back,
"alright, good night", she said and went to her room.
Seth finished with the dishes and walked to his room. He thought about her request, Liam was the one that actually saw it, he wouldn’t have done that if Liam wasn’t there, but he can’t take another blame from him again. It wasn’t in the contract that he would take care of her family. For a second, he thought she was behaving herself, but just like everybody else, she wanted something from him.
Early in the morning, Seth woke up to make breakfast but Gina was already on it.
"good morning!", she said with a smile,
"I told you not to cook again",
"no, you didn't", she said with a smile,
"am telling you now",
"I have nothing else to do, this is the only fun thing I am doing and you're asking me to stop, can't you show a little appreciation, you demon!", Gina snapped, she bit her lips immediately she finished the sentence, it’s not like her to talk without thinking, but she just did,
"what?", Seth said surprised, firstly, at the tone of her voice, secondly, she just called him a demon.
Who is this?!
Gina held her mouth, "am sorry, I-I didn't mean to say that, I swear", Seth stared at her for some seconds and stormed out,
"fuck!", she said hitting the table.
"she called you a demon?", Liam asked and burst out laughing,
"I knew she was putting an act, can you believe she raised her voice at me, as if she's my mum, even grandma never did that", Seth was complaining,
"her audacity is awesome, I mean I don't blame her",
"seriously? what do you mean?",
"yea, but don't take it to heart, she's pregnant",
The door opened and his secretary walked in with a bunch of flowers and an invitation,
"it came in just now", she dropped it and left,
"wow", Liam said and opened the invitation, he nodded and turned it for Seth to see,
"from Katy, she's inviting you to her annual celebration",
Seth took the invitation,
"tell me you're going",
"do I have to", he said not asking,
"yea bro, this is a golden opportunity and you need to grab it, you know that. Katy Moore is a golden opportunity, both in your business and private life", Liam said as Seth kept staring at the invitation but thinking of something else.

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