Twenty Two

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Gina couldn't go back home with her messed up face and don't want to face her sister and Nicki, so she called Toby.

She sat at the bar alone.
She already drank a bottle of beer before Toby came.
"Hey, are you alright?", Toby said sitting beside her,
"I came as soon as I saw your text", he looked concerned,
"Am sorry for calling you out",
"Hey, it's fine",
"Thank you", she said with a smile.
Toby ordered another drink,
"You don't look good, did something happen?",
Gina smiled and held the beer up, "I just want to get drunk",
Toby laughed,
"You drank your first beer with me",
"I was under aged",
"You said you wanted to have fun",
"Then you took me to a party filled with b*tches",
"You liked it",
"But you cheated",
And they went silent.

"I still regret it",
"You don't",
"I still do, I wouldn't have lost you",
Gina stared at him,
"I wouldn't have lost you. After that day, it seems like I was punished for cheating on you, I had my worst days", he chuckled,
"I needed you. When I came to see you... several times, I-I'll meet your mum or your sister, they won't let me see you",
"You came?",
"I thought you never cared",
"You told me to f*ck out of your life",
"I never said that",
"You- I-I received a text from you",
"I never texted you, I lost my phone at the party",
"You never-",
"Yeah and then I saw you with Lucy at the mall, so I thought you guys are back together",
"You saw us?",
"I guess she did it intentionally, she was acting weird, I should have known",
"But it's all my fault and am still sorry",
"It's been a long time",
"I've missed you" he said looking at her,
"Me too", Gina said and slowly their lips touched and Toby took her lips in a hot kiss.
Gina broke the kiss, her face is now in a big mess, Toby cleared his throat, Gina's stomach made a sound and they laughed.
"Want to get pizza?", Toby asked her,
"Oh, yes please".

They walked into his apartment, he offered Gina a seat but she kept looking around. From his room, one can get a clear view of the streets and skyscrapers.
"Wow", Toby filled her glass with wine and handed it to her,
"Nice view, neat apartment", she said sitting on the sofa,
"Yeah, it's nice, but am usually busy, so I sleep at the office",
"Oh really, am sorry again",
"For what?",
"For calling you out",
"It's my pleasure", he said and the bell rung, "must be the pizza", he said and went to get it.

"So, how's your company going?", Gina asked as they ate the pizza,
"Hmm, okay, it's hard sometimes though",
"So what other things are you doing apart from business?",
"Hmm, I gym",
"You gym, you Toby?",
"Yeah", he laughed, "I know, it's not my thing but I have this uncle whom I need his help so, his spare times are only when he's gyming, so",
"Your uncle?",
"Yeah, he's a distant uncle, rich, just inheritance stuff, I want to be on his good side",
"Why is everybody talking about inheritance?",
"It's just that it's everywhere, even in the news", Gina said
"Oh, about the McGregor's, I think theirs is different, every fight is worth it, their's involves many billions of money",
"It's annoying",
Toby nodded.
"They're already rich, what's some inheritance?", Gina said,
"Well, it is something, they're good people though",
"You know them?",
"Oh, I've done business with them",
"Wait", Toby said and reached for her face, Gina swallowed her pizza without chewing it, Toby smiled and wiped his hand on a towel.
"You had the pizza sauce on your face"
"Oh", she said with a smile and then a minute silence.
Gina's phone rang and it is her sister,
"I have to go, thanks for tonight, am really grateful",
"No problem, let me drop you off",
"You don't have to"
"I want to",
They laughed and he grabbed his key.
"Can I use your bathroom? am pressed",

Gina took her time, she stared at herself at the mirror, wondering what she's doing.
Why did she call Toby, why is she at his house?
She heard the door bell ring and turned off the tap and dried her hand.
She heard voices and walked out of the bathroom.

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