Chapter seventeen

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Gina chose a tie for Seth as he tells her of their plan.

"Why are my leaving, is it because of the party?",
"No", Seth said, he wanted to tell her about everything but he can't,
"you'll just stay there from now on, till you're due",
Gina nodded.

"Here, let me", she said and took the tie from him and tied it for him,
"there", she said and his scent caught her nose again, she's going to miss him, for some seconds they stared at each, then the door pushed open and Liam walked in.

"It's time", he said to Seth, " hey baby", he kissed Gina's cheek,
"You ready?", Seth nodded and they turned to leave,
"Stay here, I'll come back for you", Seth said and left the room.

Gina sat on her bed thinking of a lot of things.
She kept hearing the classical playing in the background. She's never been to a grand party before. She lay on her bed as the music sent her to sleep.

Seth kept his eyes wide open as the guests kept coming.
He saw his aunts came, he wasn't expecting them to.
This only proves that they're all interested in the inheritance, which is now starting to cause him to worry.

Theresa came first with her daughter and her lame husband, he wondered if she's really pregnant, her stomach is still flat.
Then Maria came with a man he didn't recognize, Faith came last with her husband.

They kept expecting Tricia.

Not long after, Tricia came, dressed in long black shiny dress. Seth looked at Liam and he nodded.

They had planned to keep their eyes on Tricia while they transfer Gina through the back yard without anyone noticing.

Seth checked his watch after making his speech, it was 7:45pm. He decided to wait for an hour more. His mind couldn't focus on the party. His mind was filled with Gina and why?
Probably because....
Well, of course, they had to transfer her to a new place and etc, it's enough to have her thought fill his mind.

He blinked hard trying to focus on his surrounding. His eyes were on all of his family members, he doesn't know what they have up their sleeves, all he knows is that he has to protect his own.

He doesn't want them to know his plan or how he got to have a baby. What matters is that the baby has his DNA and that's the goal.
The baby.
The inheritance.
And Gina.

"Hello brother", he heard behind him,
"You look charming, as always", Tricia said,
"I am busy",
"I noticed", she said and Seth stared at her for some seconds,
"I've missed home",
"I believe there's enough to drink and eat than to be walking around trying to create trouble", he said and turned to get away from her,
"Well, I was expecting to see her, you can't hide her forever you know", Seth gave her a little stare and whispered into her ears,
"What about your husband? heard you got married, was expecting to see the lucky man", he looked at her and her face had already swollen with anger. Seth  smiled as an old couple walked towards them. Seth took the opportunity and dismissed Tricia.

Seth believes that despite the inheritance, if it comes to their company he has the upper hand. Nobody in his family could take him on that, but yet, that inheritance worth a thousand more of what the company will ever give to him.

Liam met him while he was still greeting some guests. He whispered to him that everything's ready, Seth nodded and went back to the greetings.
Ten minutes later he left the party.
He opened the door and Gina got up. She had been sleeping peacefully.

"Are my leaving now?", She asked,
"Yes, everything's ready, come on", he said as he helped her off the bed.

They opened the door and Liam signaled them to keep moving. They went down through the kitchen, out into the garden. Gina felt the cold air hit her body and gripped Seth's shoulder,
"Are you alright?", He asked and she nodded.
"Are we going far?",
"Will you visit?",
They got to the little gate, they climbed down few steps, then he pushed it open.
There's a car waiting outside in the street, there were three men standing by it. One of them opened the door and Seth helped Gina in.
"I'll be there as soon as I can", he said and kissed her cheeks, something he did without knowing.
He closed the door and watched as the car drove off.
He stood there for some seconds wondering why he kissed her cheeks, he's beginning to surprise himself.

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