Chapter Thirteen

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Tricia stared at her phone again, they've stopped calling her.
Nobody cares for her, she thought and picked up the wine bottle and tried to drink from it, but nothing came out, she chuckled as a tear drop fell, she threw the bottle against the wall and it shattered.
She had stopped going for shootings for four weeks now, she couldn't handle not being the lead model, she couldn't handle how embarrassing it always is when Noah is there, she couldn't handle the laughter of those younglings. It rings in her ears and annoys her, it makes her feel so inferior.
She had fought with one and everybody took her side. It was so embarrassing, they all looked at her as if she's not supposed to be there anymore. The stage is no longer hers, she's no longer on the spotlight.
Tears rolled down her eyes as she thought of how Noah looked at her and left, he probably was disappointed in her, he couldn't even take her side. She wiped her tears again as her phone beeped.
Her hand shook as she picked up the phone. She tapped on the newest notification and a page opened.
Headline: McGregor's inheritance in line:
Another big news from the city heads, as granddaughter announces she's a month pregnant.
This is no rumour, as she's seen walking out of the hospital with her mother and husband.
They went ahead to give an interview, where they showed proof of the pregnancy-
Tricia stared at the picture of Montserrat with her mother. She clenched her teeth, her hand shaking terribly. Another notification came in, she wasn't going to open it, but she saw Noah's picture on it, so she clicked it and it opened.
It announced that Noah had set a wedding date with his fiance. His fiance looked familiar, so she looked her up and found out she won a modelling competition once and ever since has been taking international ads.
She's a model?
She threw the phone at the wall and screamed. She cried for a few minutes and fell numb. She just sat there, her eyes locked on the picture of her grandmother hanging on the wall. Then she let out a crooked laugh.
"smile", Theresa told Montserrat as the reporters flashed lights.
They had the reporters interview them for thirty minutes while Theresa answered the whole questions. Montserrat sat there feeling uncomfortable. They will be going to the seventh interview tomorrow. Some camera men even came to the house, she felt so tired and frustrated.
They stood up as they took their pictures. Montserrat hurried to the car where Hector sat waiting for them.
"are you okay?", Hector asked,
"am just tired", she said and rested her head on his hand. Theresa joined them,
"we should go shopping for the baby stuffs, I bet people will take pictures, where's the most popular mall in the area?",
"ma!", Montserrat called,
"what?", Theresa snapped,
"am tired, am just one month pregnant", Montserrat said, trying not to stress herself more,
"dont sound as if am doing this for myself!",
"oh yes you are! You are!",
"we need to create more publicity!",
"we've created enough mother! Am pregnant!", Montserrat said and left the car.
"you better go get your wife and make sure she gets her attitude together", she told Hector,
“I think this is enough for a day”, he said and she looked at him,
“It’s not like I am doing this for myself alone”, she said and he went after her.
Maria waited after the service as Fr. Ray did his usual greetings.
He made two cups of coffee and went and sat beside her. He handed her a cup and they sat quietly watching the dead leafs move with the air.
"have you seen Frank since then?", Fr. Ray asked and she hesitated a bit, as if she’s been caught in the act,
"no", she said and wrapped her hand around the mug to let the warmth overwhelm her,
"he came when you left", he said and took a sip, "he knows about her",
"what?!", she said and turned to face him,
"I couldn't hide her from him", he touched the tip of his mug while remembering that day years ago.
"why are you telling me this now?", he shrugged,
"I don't know",
"does she know?", he nodded,
"he comes once in awhile but after she had a baby, he comes often", she felt her hand tremble, she imagined what it will feel like to see him again.
"he should be coming soon, Peter's birthday is on Tuesday", he said and stood up.
Maria sat there wondering what to do. He looked at her and pitied her, he almost wished he could turn the clock back but he shouldn't, he's had his own share of that pain and all this, would only open the healing wound.
Nora walked down the stairs, her mother was on her usual chair, crotcheting. She went to the kitchen to make dinner.
"heard anything from your sister yet?",
"not a thing, since after the video call and the money", she said and continued making dinner.
While she was making dinner, a knock came from the door. Nora opened the door and Stephanie walked in,
"Stephie?", Nora called her, surprised. Their mum turned, surprised too.
"evening mama", Stephie said and hugged her mum,
"what's wrong?",
"must something be wrong before I visit my own home",
"young lady, this is not your home anymore",
"well mama, am not young anymore, what you got on fire Nora?", Nora rushed to the kitchen and finished off with the dinner.
They sat around the table having dinner, Stephie avoided questions about her,
"what job did you say Gina is doing again?", she asked as their mum’s phone vibrated,
"talk of the devil", Nora said picking up the phone, she tapped on the notification and gasped,
"what's it?", Stephie asked and reached to grab the phone from her, Nora extended her hand to view the message again.
"oh my god!", she turned the phone to show them,
"Regina Rachel just sent another five hundred thousand dollars!",
"another what?!", Stephie asked,
"she sent us half a million dollars months back", she gave her the phone, "she just sent another one!",
"omg!", she screamed in excitement,
"send it back!", their mum said hitting her hand on the table, startling them.
"what?!", both of them asked,
"I said send it back", their mother commanded,
"why?", Stephanie asked,
"we can't accept it",
"but why?", Nora asked,
"she left months ago, she called us once but sends tons of money? We don't even know exactly where she's working, we haven't seen your sister in a long time and the two of you are happy over the money she sent to you?!", She said and threw her plate into the sink.
"but mom, she sends money meaning she's fine, right?", Stephanie said and Nora nodded,
"send it back woman!", she went back to her chair and started her crotcheting.
"explain this to me", Stephie said, already feeling excitement rush to her head,
"she sent half a million dollars at first and now...", she said staring at the phone,
"wait…she sent half a million to only you and mum, what about me?",
"to mum’s account",
“what’s the job again? How was she…where exactly is she?”, Nora ignored her,
"I can go and look for her, if you two are worried", Nora said, "I mean, instead of sending the money back, we can find out what she's exactly doing", she suggested.
"you're not going anywhere", her mother said,
"we should know if she's okay or not or if she's fine, why she's sending such money home, right?",
"what are you two talking about? She's not lost or kidnapped! Someone who sends in money to her family is fine and okay to me", Stephanie said.
"am not changing my mind", Geraldine concluded,
"I have a business trip to New York on Monday, I'll see what I can do then", Stephanie said,
"I'll go with you", Nora said,
"Sis, I said a business trip. What job is she doing again?",
"she said a clerical work at an import-export company, I don't know, something like that",
"you should leave her alone, she left on her own, probably that girl she called her friend introduced her to one of her evil ways, God knows I taught y'all the good ways",
"mom", Stephie called,
"you never know", Nora supported,
“she’s not a kid, she’s a grown woman”, Stephanie said and left them to her room.
Gina sat on Seth's bed crotcheting. Liam walked in with a smile,
"how are you doing sweetie?", he asked and pecked her,
"I feel okay",
"yea?", Gina nodded. Seth walked in with a tray of fruits,
"your belly is getting big", he said,
"yea, you want to feel it?", She removed the wools so Liam can touch her stomach,
"wow, it’s so strong",
"yea, the baby moved one time, I was so sure, I felt it",
"really?", Seth cleared his throat and Liam sat up, as Seth wanted to drop the tray, Liam took it from him and placed it gently by Gina’s side,
“time to eat, the doctor said you need to eat more fresh foods, vegetables and fruits”, he said and used a fork to pick one of the sliced fruits,
“here”, he said and Gina took it,
"thank you", she said. Seth inored them and went to the other side of the bed and touched her forehead for the tenth time, Gina rolled her eyes,
"I'm fine", he didn’t say a word and walked to his desk, he took some files and walked to the door,
"if you need anything, text me", he said and left, Liam pecked her cheeks and followed Seth.
Gina stared at the door for awhile, thinking about what Lucy had told her. She didn’t want it bother her, she just wants this to end but she can’t help it. She wondered whether she could ask Liam why they wanted the baby. She rubbed her stomach and felt her eyes sting at the thought of giving her baby away.
What are you doing?
Don't nag me, it's too late to start regretting.
Lucy had said she might be carrying twins, is that even possible, Cate never said anything like that could happen. On second thought, it was Lucy Reigns that said it.
She sat on the bed for awhile, she doesn’t have an appetite to eat and she couldn't get the thought out of her head. She looked around for water. It is on the far side of the desk, she reached for the cup first, then tried to reach for the jug, her hand slipped and the glass jug fell and shattered on the floor.
Her heart skipped and she looked at the door expecting the door to fly open exposing the raging monster. She slowly climbed down the bed and started picking the glasses the best she could.
The door was pushed open, Gina flinched on seeing Seth, he rushed to her side. He clenched his teeth as he picked the broken glasses.
"what the hell happened?",
"I just wanted-",
"I told you to text me if you need anything, didn't I?", Gina didn't say another word, because she might regret it. She tried to pick up another glass and it slit her finger,
"don't f*cking touch anything!", he screamed and Gina got up immediately to leave but she stepped on the water and slipped, she screamed but luckily Seth got her on time before she touched the ground. Seth's hand was wrapped around her, one behind her head and shoulders, the other around her belly. She felt the warmth of his body, she can smell his body, so strong against hers. His cologne was too much but that aside, his body is actually touching hers.
"are you okay?", he asked her, his heart beating so hard, something terrible could've happened now and he could've lost the baby and his inheritance.
Why the fuck can't this woman ever be careful?!
"ouch!", she felt pain in her hand which she had hit on the bed wood and her leg is bleeding. He slowly helped her stand, then sit on the bed.
"don't do anything", he told her and went to get the first aid kit.
Gina felt her cheeks, they were hot and her heart was beating fast. She kept taking deep breaths through her mouth till Seth came in with the kit. He cleaned and bandaged the finger first, then massaged the other hand she had hit on the bed wood. Gina kept quiet, she kept staring at him and only saying, "ouch",
She doesn't know why, but she kept hearing her heart beat fast, her eyes are acting weird and her cheeks are hot. Seth slowly lifted her leg on the bed, while he cleaned it, Gina giggled,
"you think it’s funny?",
"sorry", Gina said and cleared her throat.
He rubbed some balm on it and tried to bandage it, Gina started giggling again, he looked at her,
"sorry I can't help it, it tickles", she said and burst out laughing, Seth almost smiled but he kept his composure. When he was done, Gina wiggled her legs,
"thank you", he closed the kit and packed the broken glasses and cleaned the place. He ordered for lunch, which after, he moved his work files to his room.
Gina thought he was going to ask her to move back to her room, but he didn't, instead he decided to work in his room, so he can keep an eye on her, not that he said so, but, somehow, Gina find that attractive and uncomfortable, same time.
When she woke up in the morning, Seth was standing before his mirror. She closed her eyes and opened them again. Seth was only tying a towel around his waist, she stared at his chest.
She felt the same feelings again. Her heart suddenly changed rhythm, pumping hard against her chest, her cheeks burned. He turned to look at her and she pretended she was still asleep.
Seth had intentionally missed Katy's calls, so she sent a message. Seth decided to meet with her, he doesn't want her to visit since Gina is staying in his room.
He slept on the single couch in his room and wakes up to check on Gina and each time he checked, she was soundly sleeping. He had covered her leg which was outside the duvet. He touched her head to feel her temperature and it was normal. Unconsciously he had stared at her for awhile, then she mumbled something and threw her leg out from the duvet again.
In the morning he saw one of her legs out on the duvet, he remembered covering it again last night, he sighed and went to shower. When he was done, he took out the clothe he'll wear and placed it on his chair. He walked to the mirror to apply some cream.
He could see Gina from the mirror, her legs were still outside, he took a step back to see her face and she was looking at him, he looked at her on the bed, but her eyes were shut, he looked back at the mirror, her eyes were still shut. He walked back to the bathroom, he was sure he saw her eyes open. He looked at his chest and touched it and smirked.
During breakfast, Gina felt so uncomfortable, like she did something wrong.
"I sent money to your family's account", he said and Gina raised her face immediately and their eyes locked for a second and she looked away immediately,
"you did?", He didn't reply,
"did they send any message to you?", she asked and he paused,
How are they going to send a message to me you dumb girl?
"no", he replied with deep sigh, her face fell,
"none at all?",
"it was sent through your account, so they thought you sent it",
"ahh", Gina nodded, avoiding his eyes. She wanted badly to know what's going on at home.
"thanks", she said and totally lost her appetite.
Gina completed the sweater she was crotcheting, she was going to make it for herself but she changed her mind half way. Seth walked out from his wardrobe, all dressed up.
"you're going out?",
"yea, I might be a little late for dinner, I'll have Liam bring in lunch for you", Gina nodded,
"Seth", gina called and he turned, its actually the first time she has called him by name, it felt foreign in her mouth and weird in his ears,
"yes", he answered, not believing he did,
"the weather is cold outside, so I decided to make one for you ", she said handing it to him. He took it and the softness was nice.
Wrong timing but she couldn't wait to see his reaction.
"thanks", he said and walked out.
Just thanks? She stared at the door for awhile,
“what did I expect?”, she said and picked up another wool, thinking of what else to crochet, one thing came to her mind.
Baby cloth.
She thought about Seth, for some minutes then shook her head and started a new crotchet, for her baby.
Seth came back earlier, he found Gina sleeping with her wool all over the bed. He packed the wools and tried to get her into a good sleeping position but she woke up. Seth took his hands and stood straight.
They had dinner and Gina went to take her bath, when she came out she found a box on the pillow. She opened it and her mouth fell open at the sight of a pretty necklace. She dropped it back on the pillow when she heard him walking in. He walked to his desk and got busy. Gina wanted to ask about the necklace, maybe it was meant for his girl friend.
"the doctor didn't come today", she said,
"tomorrow", he replied, she bit her lips,
"for your girl friend?", she asked and Seth looked at her, she pointed at the necklace. He went back to his work,
"for you", he muttered,
"what?", Gina asked in surprise, she grabbed it and opened it, she stood before the mirror and tried to put it on but couldn't get the lock. Seth watched from the corner of his eyes as she struggled, he felt the urge to help her but he couldn't get himself to.
"oh my god", Gina muttered and turned to Seth,
"did you see that?", she asked and walked to Seth and grabbed his hand off the desk and laid it on her stomach, he withdrew it immediately,
"the baby moved! Oh my god he moved again", she took his hand and placed it again on her stomach, he felt the movement,
"what the-", he said and took his hand again,
"you felt it right?!", she laughed as she watched it, Seth watched in surprise.

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