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The harsh gushes of wind are all I can hear as I approach the illuminated jet on the large runway in front of me. I can feel the crunch of gravel beneath me, causing small temporary crevices in the sole of my shoes.

The setting sky shines a deep blue, the sun setting early in mid-November. I tug the large jacket around me, crossing my arms over my chest to keep the coat in place.

Luca stands a foot or two behind me as we walk up to the now unfolded staircase leading up to his plane.

Two guards with their hands crossed in front of each other stand poised on either side of the steps, looking so cliché all they're missing is a pair of black aviators.

The sound of our steps once we begin to walk up the metal staircase, as well as the steps of the various other group of guards sent with us, along with the persistently violent wind are all that can be heard for practically miles in the somewhat deserted area.

Finally walking inside the jet, the interior is slightly lighter than the shiny and sleek black exterior.

Several one-person seats, along with cushioned couches and hardwood tables are scattered across the air craft, small tinted and circular windows on the also hardwood walls.

I walk on the carpeted floor and through the various seating arrangements, until I reach the bedroom in the very back.

Grabbing Luca's wrist, I decide it's a good place to have the conversation about why the fuck we needed to fight off over 20 men, and leave the hotel in such a hurry. I knew we couldn't in the car, with our conversation exposed so openly to the driver. I drag him into the space, bringing him as far as possible from the other guards.

"Are these walls sound-proof?" I whisper, looking up at him expectantly and letting his wrist go.

He simply nods, turning around and walking over to a small metal object placed on the wall. He clicks the button in the center of it, a large door emerging automatically from within a wall to close the space off.

The heavy white piece closes with a click, while Luca strides to stand right in front of me. My eyes drift to my left, following the small goldfish's pathway in the mini aquarium at the foot of the bed. It drifts mindlessly through the water with its friends, weaving in and out of the grass and hiding behind mounts of pebbles.

I cross my arms and shift on my feet to look up at Luca. "What the fuck happened at the hotel?" I question, moving my arms a little to situate them comfortably.

I watch Luca's hand run over his jaw, roaming back and forth through the slight stubble, his eyes looking past me to somewhere seemingly random in the room. "I talked to your father. I tracked down the security tapes of my hotel and found this dude following us. I had one of my guys find his face, turns out he's a trailer for this string of small gangs, all working together yet somewhat separate. Apparently no one knows who's in this coorperation. It's a closely—and well if I may add—guarded secret. We think the guys that attacked us were one of these gangs. It seems they removed their tattoos before attacking, and sure enough we found that weird drug in their system. Someone's working against us, and they have collaborators." He lays out all the information, sitting down on a chair in an office-area one the other end of the room.

I sit across from him on another similarly decorated chair, but this one with grey cushioning instead of navy blue. Placing both of my elbows on the glossy wood counter, I sit my head on my open palms.

Luca LaurentWhere stories live. Discover now