Eating disorder

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There are many different kinds of eating disorder, with many different reasons for them starting. Some being anorexia which is the most common known, people suffering can feel as through they are overweight or under. Some can try and lose weight by not eating and working out a lot, while others eating lots of food to then make one sick. Bulimia is when a person eats large amounts of food in short periods of times, after words then attempting to make one sick . Binge eating is close to Bulimia, eating large amounts of food in a short period of time feeling like they have no control. Pica eating things that aren't food like dirt or hair or clothes. Rumination in which a person can regurgitate the food they already ate.
When your young people always love to tell you things, to tell you their opinion on everything. "Aren't you such a cute little cubby thing" its the words like that, that stay with you. The ones playing in your mind while siting beside the toilet bring up lunch for the second time that week. The only thing mattering is the number in the scale, because you can't make someone love you, or the world appreciate your body. But you can make yourself skinny. Hiding in the bathroom trying to puke without making a sound so your parents don't start to worry. Working out till your body breaks and bleeds. Wearing baggy clothes hoping no one could see your rolls, you hope of getting and getting help, but without being skinny what do you have?

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