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Depression can be categorized as a mood disorder, some kinds being- major depressive disorder or clinical depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder, and postpartum depression. When having depression one can have overwhelming feelings of sadness, hopelessness, trouble doing everyday activities, and losing interest in things they used to like. Like any other disorder, it has physical effects too, loss of appetite, sleep problems, having aches and pains.

Diary entry - not about me I don't have depression

People always tell me to snap out of it, as I will suddenly feel happy again, this black cloud hanging over me finally disappearing. If only it was that easy. Every day is a struggle, waking in the morning and all I feel is dread, another day another fight. They tell me I have so much how can I be sad? How can I explain to them that I feel nothing inside, this emptiness that is taking over my soul. All I want to do is hideaway, the world is moving, children playing in the streets, dogs barking. And I feel nothing, I just watch it all pass me by, sometimes I can't even cry. They call me lazy, they tell me to simply think positive, they claimed I like being sad. They don't understand that there is nothing worse than feeling nothing at all. I plaster a smile, trying to be the person they want to see even when it feels like I'm dying inside. At least the sadness understands.

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