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Schizophrenia is an illness in which a person can have delusions and hallucinations. They can hear voices in their head telling them things, also seeing people and or objects. This can cause them to feel out of touch with reality, struggling with what is real and what isn't. The voices making them believe they are in danger. From someone who is trying to poison them, take them away or kill them. A couple of years ago I was talking to a woman about this illness, where she proceeded to tell me how she believed they should all be locked up. If she were to work with them she would bring her brass knuckles to work every day, not afraid to use them. At no point should anyone with this or any mental illness ever be handled with brass knuckles.  Even the idea of that makes me sick. They need support, their brain is sick, making them this way. They need to be reminded continually that their mind is playing tricks on them. Living like this can be very turmoil for someone, fighting constantly against reality and the made-up world inside their head. They do not see you for who you are at times. Believing the words the monsters are whispering inside their ears.

Can you see him
The man dressed in black who appears everywhere
With his smeared cricket smile
And empty red eyes
Can you hear him
The horrors he proceeds
He is right there
How can't you see him
He dances down the street
His reflection in every store window
Even beside you while you speak
His voice getting louder and louder
With every word you have to repeat
Till I want to do is scream
Can you feel him
His cold huge hands
That he rests on your shoulder blades
Playing with your hair
Pertaining to set it on fire
I promise you I am not crazy
He is right there
You have to see him
How don't you see him.

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