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A disorder many seem to use as a joke. Throwing the word at someone when they change their emotions or mine. Never taking into account the weight of their words. Having bipolar disorder is so much more than changing your emotions in a minute. There are two types of disorders, type I and type II. Bipolar I someone can have a manic episode that lasts for seven days ending in someone needing to be hospitalized, while also having hypomania. With bipolar II you can have hypomania that can alternate with depression. We always see this disorder showed on television as someone who is unstable, harming others, horrible mothers, or someone in hospitals. Never considering how this is viewing the illness for others to see, bipolar disorder can be very hard to deal with. But there are so many people who have this and are keeping jobs, being mothers, or fathers, going to school overcoming. Therapy, medicine, and a support system can help with it. While also stop using this illness to make jokes about, showing it on tv all the time is a horrible thing. Because yes the illness is, but behind every illness is a person, a person who is struggling every day, trying to beat a battle against themselves, they don't need it against the world too. We need to educate ourselves and stop the stigma around it.

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