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Autism can also be classified as Autism spectrum disorders, a group of developmental disabilities. Autism affects everyone differently, some individuals may need lots of help with their day-to-day, learning, or problem-solving, some can talk while might not be able to. When having Autism one's brain works differently than others, one might be oversensitive to sounds, touches, smells, or lights. It is common for them to wear special headphones to cancel out everything around them. Routine is a big part of their life, Many may have trouble with eye contact, understanding directions or questions they were asked, repeating words or phrases, aggression- self-harming behaviors can be common, hitting one's self, headbanging. Although 1 in 68 children live with Autism, it is more common in males. Some treatments could be, medication, speech therapy, Occupational therapy, and Behavioral. People with Autism are still people who deserve love and acceptance, some rather stay away from them than attempt to approach them. Be open, understanding, don't make assumptions, learn about it educate yourself.

*Please note that there is no proven evidence to show that Autism is caused by childhood vaccines, many studies have been done and there is no known link between the two of them. While many are scared to vaccinate their children, ones shouldn't be worried too because of the risk of developing autism, as it is Irrelevant. I am not weighing in on my belief on vaccines, the facts and research prove that the two are not connected.

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