9. uma thurman quotes

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Dear Miss Peirce,

At the end of last semester, you had expressed your wishes to discontinue your schooling. We understand that you had not been enjoying the program and were sorry to hear that, you would've made a wonderful healer and were always a great addition to class.

We're sending this letter to let you know your spot is still open until the end of the month. Before then we request a formal letter of whether you'll choose to continue to the program or officially leave. 

There are many ways to deal with your feelings, please feel free to reach out so we can make a pathway that you'll be able to enjoy more if you choose to come back to the program. We can also refer you to other medical pathways in the wizarding world if that is still what you envision your future as.

Finding a career you enjoy is a difficult path for many of us. Please don't let this deter you from finding something you truly love. Life's very long and when you work for most of it, it's important to find a place where you find yourself looking forward to going to. 

I wish you the best of luck in whatever decision you make.


Dr. Alessandra Sampaio, 
Head of Healer Teaching at St. Mungos

"Ellie," Fran calls. 

I blink out of my trance, my mind still stuck on the letter that I'd received this morning. Though, now it was tucked into my side table drawer where it would sit until the last minute because I've never been good at decisions.

So, instead of thinking about my future, I'd decided to run away from it and come to the farmers market to hang out with Fran. Dads not here today because he's leading some mission with his team.

The strangest thing about having young parents is, I can never truly wrap my head around it. Even though my dad is only 37, I still feel as if he's far too old to be going on dangerous missions where he ends up bloody and bruised once in and while. He's like some ancient dinosaur to me but in reality, I have to live with the embarrassment of friends calling him the dreaded D-word.

Merlin, I can't even say it. It's absolutely disgusting. 

(Though I used to use it for the History professor that transferred to Hogwarts in the fifth year all the time. But, being a divorcee in his forties with greying hair and a good taste in music and literature just begged you to be in love with him.)

"Angelina Peirce."

"Sorry, Fran," I say, putting down the oranges I'd been holding. "It's just been a long day."

She frowns. "It's only ten."

"You wanna stab me and end my life?"

Fran rolls her eyes, walking over to the til because a customer's waiting. 

So, I continue to sit on an empty crate. Watching her talk in a way that makes anyone that meets her fall in love. Fran's charming and lovely and, honestly, if my dad doesn't make a move soon I fear she'll be snatched up by some prince.

I'm standing up and about to help order her little jewelry table when I spot a couple.

It's two blondes and I could spot them from a mile away because they do indeed live in my head rent-free.

Alice and Morgan are at the farmer's market together, she has some chic bandana in her hair and a pink tote. They're staring at watermelons together, chattering on about which one would probably be the best to buy and how much they love each other.

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