13. spinning in my highest heels

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My hair's getting pulled once more, I flinch and Isla pulls harder to try to perfect the curls she's put in my hair. Her quick fingers work through my head, my eyes are still closed though, waiting for some Princess-Diaries-reveal at the end. 

Mia should have ended up with Michael, I'll die on the hill. They just had to bimbo-fy her love interest and make him hot, so they chose Chris Pines. But in Michael's defence, I think he's quite a catch. He looks like a long-lost Beatle and he'd probably write a song about our relationship, a double win.

Isla sighs. "You're thinking of it again, aren't you?"

"It should've been Michael," I groan, feeling angry once more. "The only reason people like Chris better is because objectively he's way hotter, but like, who cares about being hot when all that matters is what's on the inside. Like, if they remember your favourite band and if they make you laugh."

"Favourite band? Those are some high standards."

"I like a lot of bands so it changes a lot," I say, opening my eyes and examining how I look. "Love's about changing and adapting right? If they can keep knowing my favourite band then they could be with me forever."

She rolls her eyes playfully. "Aren't you poetic tonight?"

I'm looking through my jewelry box to find my earrings, they're these sparkle balls my dad gave me when I was twelve and I wear them for every special occasion. Sometimes they don't even fit the outfit but I like having them because it's like my dad with me. 

When I find the white earrings, I turn to her as I put them on. "I'm always poetic and romantic. Neruda's rolling in his grave in fear of me being better than him."

Isla laughs, then glances at the clock. Her brow raises. James is coming soon and she also has dinner with Fred tonight, she's moving over to my bed where we've dumped piles of clothes and accessories. She finds her purse and sighs. 

"I wish I could stay longer," she says, moving towards me and adjusting little things. "But, you'll do good Elle. Just have fun because spending way too much money on a dress and then not making many memories in it . . . well, that's just a crime."

"I am a law-abiding citizen," I mumble.

She nods, then gives me a quick wave before walking out of my room towards the floor. I stand there for a few moments, then I hear her yell. There's a little sound and she's gone. All alone in our apartment once more.

You know, I like being alone and in my own company. It's not the most horrible thing, I can be alone and enjoy it, that's a great skill to have. I just have never gotten over how to not feel lonely because whatever I do, loneliness chases me down and runs a dagger through me.

I'm grabbing my shoes and walking to the living room, Camille and Percy following right behind me. Sometimes I feel like they're ducks and I'm just a mother, they'd follow me to the end of the world if I could. If I didn't have them, I'd probably grow a little crazy.

Maybe being a cat lady woulnd't be bad. The more cats I have, the better my life gets generally.

I almost jump as the floor comes alive.

James stumbles in with a great suit and cough. "Holy fucking shit, you have the worst floo ever."

"It's a muggle building," I say, walking over to him. "What do you expect?"

"A good floo?"

I'm rolling my eyes, starting to slip my shoes on. "I swear you're stupid sometimes."

"Oh I am, and you're quite . . ." he trails off.

When I glance up to see why I see that he's staring at me. I give him an awkward smile and do some jazz hands. "Ta-Da," I say, then want to kill myself in embarrassment right after. "Uhm, I like your tie."

fundamentals of love ; james sirius potterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora