a final goodbye, kinda

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(A little sappy, feel free to scroll down a little to where I explain what happens after all this)

So, we're done. I'm not sure if I liked the ending or how it was paced, but I think my time is somewhat over with this story now. Ironically, I hate drawing things out. I always knew this story was going to be on the shorter side, so this is it, this is what short looks like for me. 

I love Ellie and I love James, and I love every single character in this book. A big reason I wrote this was because I wasn't ready to let go of the characters of Give Her Love yet, I spent nearly five years publishing and publishing that story, so it's a huge part of my life. But, it was absolutely draining because sometimes I felt like I didn't even enjoy writing it (maybe you could tell by how much of a James and Angelina hater I become during the final chapters). So, this story was like a breath of fresh air because it was fun to write and it was cheesy but it was filled with a lot of feelings like usual.

And, I don't know the proper terminology, I think it's mutuals but I've never used that term before and I kind of hate it so I won't be using it. But, I think my favourite part of this book is all the friends that I've made. I don't even have to say who they are because it's really easy to tell through all our comment interactions. The best part about writing was being able to continue our friendship and develop it, whether it was talking about Taylor references, the Bachelor, or even how much we love Amy Dunne. 

But, even if we aren't exactly friends and don't have comment conversations, I still have a lot of love for you. So thanks for reading and joining me on this strange journey, I had the time of my life writing this and I hope you enjoyed this half as much as I have. 

Love, always,


What happens now?

The story is left on an ambiguous note so you can always imagine what you'd like. I know a lot of people like stories like that, but I'm not one of them, so I have a few things coming just for fun if you're interested.

Two things are coming for sure. An Epilogue and a little one-shot about Ellie's parents, Holly and Hudson. The first part of Holly and Hudson should be up already, so I hope you go and read that. But, everything should be finished and posted by December 6? So, there's a little bit of a road from now to then. 

But, lastly, I have a new story that I'm pretty excited about. All my stories are in the same universe so you'll see familiar characters pop in once and awhile (this one's in the '70s and *spoiler* Raj and Amir make cameos at some point). It should be up soon. It's called Where You Go, and I sort of base my books off of Taylor albums, so if Give Her Love was Folklore and this story was Lover (also Reputation, it's interchangeable), then Where You Go is Evermore. 

Again, thanks for reading, commenting, and voting, it meant a lot to me. I hope you guys will read the bonus stuff and then maybe, when it comes out, read Where You Go as well.

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