a fragment of the future

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merry christmas!!!

hope you've been doing well and have had a good year. i'm currently stressing about uni applications and trying to decide if i'd rather be a mechanical or civil engineer (god bless general first years that make me not have to pick).

life's gone on, 2022 has been probably the best year of my life and i'm even more excited for next year. thanks you for everything, i left a little christmas present from me to you, so i hope you find some time to take a look and tell me what you think.

though i barely have any time to write anymore, i think about every single friendship i made within these comments all the time.

(as usual, not edited or proofread, so precede with caution)

It was a boy.

A few weeks after she turned twenty-nine, Ellie Peirce-Potter, had a little boy with blue eyes like his grandfather and light brown hair that almost looked blonde from a certain angle. He was perfect in every way possible and she'd tell him for the rest of the life, that the second she saw him, she couldn't stop crying.

The year leading up to it had been horrible. Ellie and James had eloped because . . . well, it was them. Ellie wore a short white dress with some cowboy boots, and a veil that hit her waist. James put on a suit but then ended up taking his jacket off. It was just them, their cats, and some fake Elvis. Afterward, they'd sat on the curb and tacos while discussing how they should tell their families.

Ellie liked eloping and the sudden engagement two days before because it meant privacy, for once in their relationship, it was just between them. No one else could voice their opinions or know--

Well until some passerby snapped some pictures of them and sold it to the Daily Prophet.

But, she got over it. She knew what she was getting into and James was already so stressed about the World Cup, that she let it go. So, they told their families and began searching for the perfect plot of land for the house.

They did it through a muggle agency, feeling as if that might be safer as everything else always seemed to get leaked. The construction itself could be done themselves alongside the help of Jimmy's wife who was an architect and James's cousin Hugo who'd recently opened up a construction company. They wanted it far away from any major city, but close enough to a small town and a neighboring farmer or two, so they weren't entirely reclusive and when there were kids--

Ellie liked the idea of 2. James said they'd know when it felt right. But, kids were a definite yes. James knew that after the world cup, he'd be slowing down a little and Ellie was ready to take a year or two off at this point in her career. So, they knew that they wanted kids, and now was the time if any.

30 acres was a good size. James wanted to grow something and Ellie didn't like the idea of animals, so she let him talk to neighboring farmers with his pretend southern accent on the best type of crop to grow in the area.

And then she had a miscarriage.

It was so early, a little less than two months and they'd only told the doctor and Ellie's grandmother. Yes it was hard, and yes it upset them both for a while, but that wasn't even the worst part.

Somebody stole documents and it ended up in some gossip column.

That was a difficult period in their marriage, they were only 3 months in. He was busying himself in quidditch, she was doing the same with her work, they didn't--they couldn't talk to each other.

When Ellie would reflect over her marriage decades later, she'd say that was the singular time she'd ever had doubts about it. She knew what she was getting into, or, well, she thought she did. But it was so much worse than she could've ever imagined.

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